Fusion of neural networks, fuzzy sets, and genetic algorithms : industrial applications / edited by Lakhmi C. Jain, N.M. Martin.
Contributor(s): Jain, L. C
| Martin, N. M
Material type: 

Introduction to neural networks, fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms, and their fusion / N.M. Martin and L.C. Jain -- A new fuzzy-neural controller / K. Shimojima and T. Fukuda -- Expert knowledge-based direct frequency converter using fuzzy logic control / E. Wiechmann and R. Burgos -- Design of an electro-hydraulic system using neuro-fuzzy techniques / P.J. Costa Branco and J.A. Dente -- Neural fuzzy based intelligent systems and applications / E. Kahn -- Vehicle routing through simulation of natural processes / J.-Y. Potvin and S.R. Thangiah -- Fuzzy logic and neural networks in fault detection / B. Köppen-Seliger and P.M. Frank -- Application of the neural network and fuzzy logic to the rotating machine diagnosis / M. Tanaka -- Fuzzy expert systems in ATM networks / C. Douligeris, and S. Palazzo -- Multimedia telephone for hearing-impaired people / F. Lavagetto -- Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms in gas turbine aero-engine control / A. Chipperfield, P. Fleming, and H. Betteridge -- Application of genetic algorithms in telecommunication system design / V. Sinkovic, I. Lovrek, and B. Mikac.
Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms integrates neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computing in system design that enables its readers to handle complexity - offsetting the demerits of one paradigm by the merits of another. This book presents specific projects where fusion techniques have been applied. The chapters start with the design of a new fuzzy-neural controller. Remaining chapters discuss the application of expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy control, and evolutionary computing techniques in modern engineering systems. Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms covers the spectrum of applications - comprehensively demonstrating the advantages of fusion techniques in industrial applications.
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