Performance-based fire safety design / Morgan J. Hurley, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, USA; Eric R. Rosenbaum, Hughes Associates, USA.
By: Hurley, Morgan J [author.]
Contributor(s): Rosenbaum, Eric R [author.]
Material type: 

1. Introduction -- 2. Hazard and risk -- 3. Design fire scenarios -- 4. Design fires -- 5. Fire dynamics and hazard calculations -- 6. Human behavior -- 7. Detection and suppression system design -- 8. Smoke control design -- 9. Structural fire resistance -- 10. Fire testing -- 11. Performance-based design documentation and management -- 12. Uncertainty.
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Includes bibliographical references (pages) and index.
1. Introduction -- 2. Hazard and risk -- 3. Design fire scenarios -- 4. Design fires -- 5. Fire dynamics and hazard calculations -- 6. Human behavior -- 7. Detection and suppression system design -- 8. Smoke control design -- 9. Structural fire resistance -- 10. Fire testing -- 11. Performance-based design documentation and management -- 12. Uncertainty.
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