Contact angle, wettability and adhesion. Volume 2 / edited by Kash L. Mittal.
Contributor(s): Mittal, Kash L [editor.]
| Taylor and Francis
Material type: 

part Part 1: General Papers -- chapter Role of the water-air interface in determining the surface tension of aqueous solutions of sugars, polysaccharides, proteins and surfactants -- chapter The effect of the acid-base chemistry of lactose on its adhesion to gelatin capsules: Conclusions from contact angle measurements and other surface chemical techniques -- chapter The evaluation of surface free energy of polymers: The role of water acid-base properties and the measurement of an "equilibrium" contact angle -- chapter Hydrophobic mechanochemical treatment of metallic surfaces -- chapter Surface rearrangements of polymeric materials containing fluorinated chains as studied by contact angle and other methods -- chapter Surface properties of fatty amines as revealed by contact angle, FTIR, and AFM measurements -- chapter Modification of E-glass fibre surfaces with aqueous, non-ionic silane solutions -- chapter Tetralin and ammonia plasma treatment of ultra-high-strength polyethylene fibers for improved adhesion to epoxy resin -- part Part 2: Contact Angle Measurements / Determination and Solid Surface Free Energy -- chapter Determination of contact angles in different size pores in a porous material -- chapter Contact angles on heterogeneous coal surface: The effect of mineral matter -- chapter Microsphere tensiometry to determine contact angles on individual particles -- chapter Factors influencing the determination of wood contact angles and wettability - extractives contamination, wicking, and bulk sorption effects -- chapter A study of contact angles on optoelectronic materials -- chapter Contact angle relaxation for ethoxylated alcohol solutions on hydrophobic surfaces -- chapter Contact angle hysteresis due to a film present behind the drop -- chapter Water contact angles and hysteresis on polyamides -- chapter Surface free energies of cellulose ether films -- chapter Uncured silicone sealant surface energy as determined by contact angle measurements: A new quantitative tool for the assessment of sealant ease of use -- chapter Surface energy and surface roughness changes produced by irradiating polymers with ultraviolet-ozone -- part Part 3: Wetting and Spreading: Fundamental and Applied Aspects -- chapter Dynamic contact line with disjoining pressure, large capillary numbers, large angles and pre-wetted, precursor, or entrained films -- chapter Determination of contact line tension from nanoscale liquid surface topographies -- chapter On the effective equation to describe the spreading of a small viscous drop over a rough surface -- chapter Wetting behaviour on a solid surface contaminated with a liquid layer -- chapter Wetting and dewetting kinetics of shear-thinning liquids -- chapter Evaluation of wetting properties of powders from low pressure gas adsorption experiments -- chapter The spreading of alkyl ketene dimers (AKD) in paper and on smooth hydrophilic substrates -- chapter The wetting properties of human skin -- chapter Wetting of solids by binary surfactant solutions: Synergistic effect -- chapter Measurement of droplet deposition on fibers -- chapter Electrowetting on silicon single-crystal substrates -- chapter Specific characteristics of wetting and spreading at high temperatures -- chapter Wettability and adhesion of bilayer-forming lipids onto polymeric films -- chapter Effect of electrical potential on adhesion, spreading and detachment of organic droplets at an aqueous electrolyte/metal interface.
This volume documents the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion held in Newark, NJ, June 21-23, 2000. Since the first symposium, held in 1992, there had been tremendous research activity on many ramifications of wettability phenomena.
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