Insect phenotypic plasticity : diversity of responses / edited by T N Ananthakrishnan.
Contributor(s): Ananthakrishnan, T N [editor.]
| Taylor and Francis
Material type: 

chapter 1 Perspectives and Dimensions of Phenotypic Plasticity in Insects / T.N. Ananthakrishnan -- chapter 2 Phenotypic Plasticity of Host Selection in Adult Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies, Papilio glaucus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) / Rodrigo J. Mercader -- chapter 3 Plasticity in Insect Responses to Variable Chemistry of Host Plants / Meena Haribal and J. Alan A. Renwick -- chapter 4 Fighting, Flight and Fecundity: Behavioural Determinants of Thysanoptera Structural Diversity / Laurence A. Mound -- chapter 5 Behavioral Diversity and its Apportionment in a Primitively Eusocial Wasp / Raghavendra Gadagkar -- chapter 6 Clutch Size Plasticity in the Lepidoptera / James A. Fordyce -- chapter 7 The Importance of Phenotypic Plasticity in Herbivorous Insect Speciation / Gazi Górür -- chapter 8 Adaptive Allometric Responses of Galling Insects to Availability of Ovipositing Sites / Andréa Lúcia Teixeira de Souza, Marcel Okamoto Tanaka and Rogério Parentoni Martins.
In Volume I of Insect Phenotypic Plasticity, the plasticity inherent in insects is documented. Phenotypically plastic traits include morphological, behavioral, and physiological characteristics. These environmentally induced differences can serve as the raw products upon which natural selection acts. Phenotypic plasticity in short deserves increased attention by those involved in studies on biological diversity and is of practical concern for agricultural and medical Entomology.
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