Fish Genetics and Aquaculture Biotechnology / editor, T J Pandian.
Contributor(s): Pandian, T J [editor.]
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chapter 1 Contribution to Transgenesis in Indianmajor carp Labeo rohita T.J. Pandian and T. Venugopal -- chapter 2 Gene Transfer to Germline andSomatic Tissues of Zebrafish P. Alestrom, P. Callas, J. Torgersen, M-r. Liang,.A. Arenal, and R. Nourizadeh-Lillabadi -- chapter 3 Application of RAPD and AFLP toDetect Genetic Variation in Fishes P. Jayasankar -- chapter 4 Androgenesis and Conservationof Fishes T.J. Pandian and S. Kirankumar -- chapter 5 Methods of Sex Control in Fishesand an Overview of Novel Hypothesesconcerning the Mechanisms ofSex Differentiation C.A. Strussmann,M. Karube, LA. Mlranda,R. Patlno, G. M. Somoza, D. Uchlda, and M. Vamashita -- chapter 6 Genes for Fish GnRHs and TheirReceptor: Relevance to AquacultureBiotechnology D. Alok and Y. Zohar -- chapter 7 Biotechnology to ImproveReproductive Performance and LarvalRearing in Prawns and Rock Lobsters K. Wilson, M. Hall, M. Davey, M. Kenway and D. Coren -- chapter 8 Homeopathic Induction of Spawningin Ornamental Fish R.VIshakan, S.Balamurugan, C.Maruthanayagam and P.Subramanian -- chapter 9 Asymptomatic Mortality of Penaeusindicus Infected by Non-luminescentVibrio harveyi E. S. Abdel-Aziz and S.M. Dass -- chapter 10 DNA Vaccine Technology: CurrentStatus and Potential Application inAquaculture Industry J.A. Christopher John, S. Murali, M. Peter Marian and Chi-Yao Chang -- chapter 11 Isolation of Antibody-likeSubstances from Marine Algae U. Barros, and A. Himanshu -- chapter 12 Intracellular and AssociatedMarine Bacteria in the SpongeHalichondria panicea: A Potentialfor Pharmaceuticals G.Gerdts, A.Wichels, H.Doepke and C.Schuett.
"To feed the growing world population, water is looked upon as a major source of food production. This book is an attempt to bring out a comprehensive volume on Fish Transgenesis, Chromosome Engineering and Sex Control, Molecular Endocrinology, Microbal Diseases and Vaccines, and Bioactive Compounds."--Provided by publisher.
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