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Solar drying systems / Om Prakash, Anil Kumar.

By: Prakash, Om (Engineering professor) [author.].
Contributor(s): Kumar, Anil (Engineering professor) [author.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2021Edition: First edition.Description: 1 online resource (xvi, 138 pages) : illustrations (some color).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780429299353; 0429299354; 9781000223507; 1000223507; 9781000223460; 1000223469; 9781000223484; 1000223485.Subject(s): Solar food dryers | Crops -- Drying | Food -- Solar drying | TECHNOLOGY / Engineering / Mechanical | TECHNOLOGY / Engineering / CivilDDC classification: 664/.0284 Online resources: Taylor & Francis | OCLC metadata license agreement Summary: "Solar energy has found its widespread use in direct conversion into electricity either by photovoltaic conversion or through thermal energy, reduction in post-harvest losses and crop drying, and so forth. Solar Drying Systems deals with fundamentals, principles and applications of solar drying covering concept of solar energy, heat transfer, elements of drying and solar dryer designs, and related modeling and analysis aspects. It reviews highlights of present as well as future solar drying options and includes figures, solved examples and tables with end of the chapter problems/exercises aimed at academicians and professionals likewise"-- Provided by publisher.
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