Linear electric machines, drives, and MAGLEVs handbook / Ion Boldea.
By: Boldea, I [author.]
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ch. 1. Fields, forces, and materials for LEMs -- ch. 2. Classifications and applications of LEMs -- ch. 3. Linear induction motors : topologies, fields, forces, and powers including edge, end, and skin effects -- ch. 4. Linear induction motors : circuit theories, transients, and control -- ch. 5. Design of flat and tubular low-speed LIMs -- ch. 6. Transportation (medium- and high-speed) slim design -- ch. 7. DC-excited linear synchronous motors (DCE-LSM) : steady state, design, transients, and control -- ch. 8. Superconducting magnet linear synchronous motors -- ch. 9. Homopolar linear synchronous motors (H-LSM) : modeling, design, and control -- ch. 10. Linear reluctance synchronous motors : modeling, performance design, and control -- ch. 11. Linear switched reluctance motors (L-SRM) : modeling, design, and control -- ch. 12. Flat linear permanent magnet synchronous motors -- ch. 13. Tubular linear permanent magnet synchronous motors -- ch. 14. Multi-pole coil three- or two-phase linear PM reluctance motors -- ch. 15. Plunger solenoids and their control -- ch. 16. Linear DC PM brushless motors -- ch. 17. Resonant linear oscillatory single-phase PM motors/generators -- ch. 18. Multiaxis linear PM motor drives -- ch. 19. Attraction force (electromagnetic) levitation systems -- ch. 20. Repulsive force levitation systems -- ch. 21. Active guideway MAGLEVs -- ch. 22. Passive guideway MAGLEVs.
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