A course in discrete mathematical structures [electronic resource] / L.R. Vermani, Shalini Vermani.
By: Vermani, L. R. (Lekh R.)
Contributor(s): Vermani, Shalini
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Mode of access: World Wide Web.
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
"This book provides a broad introduction to some of the most fascinating and beautiful areas of discrete mathematical structures. It starts with a chapter on sets and goes on to provide examples in logic, applications of the principle of inclusion and exclusion and finally the pigeonhole principal. Computational techniques including the principle of mathematical introduction are provided, as well as a study on elementary properties of graphs, trees and lattices. Some basic results on groups, rings, fields and vector spaces are also given, the treatment of which is intentionally simple since such results are fundamental as a foundation for students of discrete mathematics. In addition, some results on solutions of systems of linear equations are discussed."--Publisher's website.
Sets -- Propositional calculus and logic -- More on sets -- Some counting techniques -- Recurrence relations -- Partially ordered sets -- Graphs -- Trees -- Groups -- Rings -- Fields and vector spaces -- Lattices and boolean algebra -- Matrices, systems of linear equations and eigen values.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 613-614) and index.
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