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Architectural electromagnetic shielding handbook : a design and specification guide / Leland H. Hemming.

By: Hemming, Leland H [author.].
Contributor(s): John Wiley & Sons [publisher.] | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | IEEE Xplore (Online service) [distributor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Piscataway, New Jersey : IEEE Press, c1992Distributor: [Piscataqay, New Jersey] : IEEE Xplore, [2000]Description: 1 PDF (xviii, 222 pages) : illustrations.Content type: text Media type: electronic Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780470544181.Subject(s): Shielding (Electricity) | Magnetic shielding | Aluminum | Antennas | Assembly | Attenuation | Band pass filters | Bibliographies | Buildings | Circuit faults | Clamps | Computers | Conductors | Copper | Couplings | Dielectrics | Earth | Electric fields | Electromagnetic interference | Electromagnetic scattering | Electromagnetic shielding | Electromagnetics | Fasteners | Filtering theory | Floors | Gaskets | Government | Grounding | Hardware | Impedance | Indexes | Industries | Insertion loss | Interference | Joints | Lead | Loading | Low pass filters | Magnetic field measurement | Magnetic fields | Magnetic noise | Magnetic separation | Magnetic shielding | Materials | Metals | National security | Plugs | Procurement | Radio frequency | Receiving antennas | Reflection | Roads | Seals | Sections | Security | Steel | Surface impedance | Testing | Welding | Wire | WiresGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: No titleDDC classification: 621.382 Online resources: Abstract with links to resource Also available in print.
Partial contents:
The need for radio frequency shielding -- Shielding theory -- Modular shielded enclosures -- Welded shielded enclosures -- Architectural shielding -- Penetrations and their control -- Electrical filters -- Enclosure performance specifications and testing -- Grounding of shielded enclosures -- Design checklists.
Summary: The first volume ever to cover all aspects of the subject, Architectural Electromagnetic Shielding Handbook provides the practicing architect/engineer with a comprehensive guide to electromagnetic shielding. This practical handbook is a one-stop source for every form of shielding enclosure now used in commercial and government test laboratories, communication and computer centers, and electromagnetic hardened facilities designed to prevent electromagnetic interference (EMI) from reaching either a sensitive piece of equipment or an unauthorized agency. Additional features include: . extensive supporting information on penetrations such as doors, vents, piping, and electromagnetic filters for each type of shielding. complete descriptions of modular, welded, and architectural forms of shielding as well as design checklists for shielded enclosure installation. detailed descriptions of performance specifications and methods of testing necessary to prove performance Now you can have practical design and manufacturing techniques for solving ESD problems associated with sophisticated equipment used in a home or office environment. This book takes the mystery out of ESD by showing how it is generated and how it affects electronic devices, such as integrated circuits. It provides practical guidelines and the rationale on how ESD solutions can work for you.
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