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Wave propagation and scattering in random media / Akira Ishimaru.

By: Ishimaru, Akira, 1928-.
Contributor(s): John Wiley & Sons [publisher.] | IEEE Xplore (Online service) [distributor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: IEEE/OUP series on electromagnetic wave theory: 12Publisher: New York : IEEE Press, c1997Distributor: [Piscataqay, New Jersey] : IEEE Xplore, [1999]Description: 1 PDF (xxv, 574 pages) : illustrations.Content type: text Media type: electronic Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780470547045.Subject(s): Waves | Scattering (Physics) | Absorption | Aerosols | Apertures | Approximation methods | Atmosphere | Atmospheric measurements | Bandwidth | Bibliographies | Biographies | Blood | Boundary conditions | Cells (biology) | Coherence | Convergence | Correlation | Dielectric constant | Differential equations | Diffraction | Doppler radar | Electric fields | Electromagnetic scattering | Energy dissipation | Equations | Fluctuations | Fluids | Fourier transforms | Green's function methods | Humidity | Indexes | Integral equations | Kinetic energy | Line-of-sight propagation | Magnetic fields | Mathematical model | Mathematics | Media | Meteorological radar | Neutrons | Optical beams | Optical pulses | Optical receivers | Optical scattering | Optical surface waves | Optical transmitters | Particle beams | Perturbation methods | Polynomials | Propagation | Radar | Radar clutter | Rain | Random media | Random processes | Receivers | Reflection | Refractive index | Remote sensing | Rough surfaces | Scattering | Sea surface | Sections | Shape | Silicon | Slabs | Solids | Surface roughness | Surface waves | Time frequency analysis | Transmitters | Wind speedGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: No titleDDC classification: 539/.2 Online resources: Abstract with links to resource Also available in print.
Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction. SCATTERING AND PROPAGATION OF WAVES IN A TENUOUS DISTRIBUTION OF SCATTERERS: SINGLE SCATTERING APPROXIMATION. Scattering and Absorption of a Wave by a Single Particle. Characteristics of Discrete Scatterers in the Atmosphere, Ocean, and Biological Materials. Scattering of Waves from the Tenuous Distribution of Particles. Scattering of Pulse Waves from a Random Distribution of Particles. Line-of-Sight Propagation through Tenuous Distribution of Particles. TRANSPORT THEORY OF WAVES IN RANDOMLY DISTRIBUTED SCATTERERS. Transport Theory of Wave Propagation in Random Particles. Approximate Solutions for Tenuous Medium. Diffusion Approximation. Two and Four Flux Theory. Plane-Parallel Problem. Isotropic Scattering. Approximation for Large Particles. MULTIPLE SCATTERING THEORY. Multiple Scattering Theory of Waves in Stationary and Moving Scatterers and Its Relationship with Transport Theory. Multiple Scattering Theory of Wave Fluctuations and Pulse Propagation in Randomly Distributed Scatterers. WAVES IN RANDOM CONTINUUM AND TURBULENCE. Scattering of Waves from Random Continuum and Turbulent Media. Line-of-Sight Propagation of a Plane Wave through a Random Medium-Weak Fluctuation Case. Line-of-Sight Propagation of Spherical and Beam Waves through a Random Medium-Weak Fluctuation Case. Temporal Correlation and Frequency Spectra of Wave Fluctuations in a Random Medium and the Effects of an Inhomogeneous Random Medium. Strong Fluctuation Theory. ROUGH SURFACE SCATTERING AND REMOTE SENSING. Rough Surface Scattering. Remote Sensing and Inversion Techniques. Appendix A: Spectral Representations of a Random Function. Appendix B: Structure Functions. Appendix C:Turbulence and Refractive Index Fluctuations. Appendix D: Some Useful Mathematical Formulas. References. Index. About the Author.
Summary: Electrical Engineering Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media A volume in the IEEE/OUP Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory Donald G. Dudley, Series Editor This IEEE Classic Reissue presents a unified introduction to the fundamental theories and applications of wave propagation and scattering in random media. Now for the first time, the two volumes of Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media previously published by Academic Press in 1978 are combined into one comprehensive volume. This book presents a clear picture of how waves interact with the atmosphere, terrain, ocean, turbulence, aerosols, rain, snow, biological tissues, composite material, and other media. The theories presented will enable you to solve a variety of problems relating to clutter, interference, imaging, object detection, and communication theory for various media. This book is expressly designed for engineers and scientists who have an interest in optical, microwave, or acoustic wave propagation and scattering. Topics covered include: * Wave characteristics in aerosols and hydrometeors * Optical and acoustic scattering in sea water * Scattering from biological materials * Pulse scattering and beam wave propagation in such media * Optical diffusion in tissues and blood * Transport and radiative transfer theory * Kubelka--Munk flux theory and plane-parallel problem * Multiple scattering theory * Wave fluctuations in turbulence * Strong fluctuation theory * Rough surface scattering * Remote sensing and inversion techniques * Imaging through various media About the IEEE/OUP Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory Formerly the IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Waves, this joint series between IEEE Press and Oxford University Press offers outstanding coverage of the field with new titles as well as reprintings and revisions of recognized classics that maintain long-term archival significance in electromagnetic waves and applications. Designed specifically for graduate students, practicing engineers, and researchers, this series provides affordable volumes that explore electromagnetic waves and applications beyond the undergraduate level. See page il of the front matter for a listing of books in this series.
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