Microwave polarizers, power dividers, phase shifters, circulators and switches / by Joseph Helszajn.
By: Helszajn, J. (Joseph) [author.]
Contributor(s): IEEE Xplore (Online Service) [distributor.]
| Wiley [publisher.]
Material type: 

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface xiii -- Acknowledgments xv -- List of Contributors xvii -- 1 Microwave Switching Using Junction Circulators 1 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 1.1 Microwave Switching Using Circulators 1 -- 1.2 The Operation of the Switched Junction Circulator 1 -- 1.3 The Turnstile Circulator 4 -- 1.4 Externally and Internally Latched Junction Circulators 7 -- 1.5 Standing Wave Solution of Resonators with Threefold Symmetry 7 -- 1.6 Magnetic Circuit Using Major Hysteresis Loop 8 -- 1.7 Display of Hysteresis Loop 9 -- 1.8 Switching Coefficient of Magnetization 11 -- 1.9 Magnetostatic Problem 13 -- 1.10 Multiwire Magnetostatic Problem 14 -- 1.11 Shape Factor of Cylindrical Resonator 15 -- Bibliography 16 -- 2 The Operation of Nonreciprocal Microwave Faraday Rotation Devices and Circulators 19 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 2.1 Introduction 19 -- 2.2 Faraday Rotation 20 -- 2.3 Magnetic Variables of Faraday Rotation Devices 25 -- 2.4 The Gyrator Network 27 -- 2.5 Faraday Rotation Isolator 29 -- 2.6 Four-port Faraday Rotation Circulator 30 -- 2.7 Nonreciprocal Faraday Rotation-type Phase Shifter 31 -- 2.8 Coupled Wave Theory of Faraday Rotation Section 32 -- 2.9 The Partially Ferrite-filled Circular Waveguide 33 -- Bibliography 34 -- 3 Circular Polarization in Parallel Plate Waveguides 37 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 3.1 Circular Polarization in Rectangular Waveguide 37 -- 3.2 Circular Polarization in Dielectric Loaded Parallel Plate Waveguide with Open Sidewalls 40 -- Bibliography 47 -- 4 Reciprocal Quarter-wave Plates in Circular Waveguides 49 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 4.1 Quarter-wave Plate 50 -- 4.2 Coupled Mode Theory of Quarter-wave Plate 53 -- 4.3 Effective Waveguide Model of Quarter-wave Plate 58 -- 4.4 Phase Constants of Quarter-wave Plate Using the Cavity Method 59 -- 4.5 Variable Rotor Power Divider 62 -- Bibliography 63 -- 5 Nonreciprocal Ferrite Quarter-wave Plates 65 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 5.1 Introduction 65 -- 5.2 Birefringence 65 -- 5.3 Nonreciprocal Quarter-wave Plate Using the Birefringence Effect 67.
5.4 Circulator Representation of Nonreciprocal Quarter-wave Plates 71 -- 5.5 Coupled and Normal Modes in Magnetized Ferrite Medium 72 -- 5.6 Variable Phase-shifters Employing Birefringent, Faraday Rotation, and Dielectric Half-wave Plates 73 -- 5.7 Circulators and Switches Using Nonreciprocal Quarter-wave Plates 76 -- 5.8 Nonreciprocal Circular Polarizer Using Elliptical Gyromagnetic Waveguide 77 -- Bibliography 79 -- 6 Ridge, Coaxial, and Stripline Phase-shifters 81 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 6.1 Differential Phase-shift, Phase Deviation, and Figure of Merit of Ferrite Phase-shifter 82 -- 6.2 Coaxial Differential Phase-shifter 82 -- 6.3 Ridge Waveguide Differential Phase-shifter 88 -- 6.4 The Stripline Edge Mode Phase-shifter 90 -- 6.5 Latched Quasi-TEM Phase-shifters 91 -- Bibliography 92 -- 7 Finite Element Adjustment of the Rectangular Waveguide-latched Differential Phase-shifter 95 -- Joseph Helszajn and Mark McKay -- 7.1 Introduction 95 -- 7.2 FE Discretization of Rectangular Waveguide Phase-shifters 97 -- 7.3 LS Modes Limit Waveguide Bandwidths 98 -- 7.4 Cutoff Numbers and Split Phase Constants of a Twin Slab Ferrite Phase-shifter 99 -- 7.5 The Waveguide Toroidal Phase-shifter 102 -- 7.6 Industrial Practice 103 -- 7.7 Magnetic Circuits Using Major and Minor Hysteresis Loops 103 -- 7.8 Construction of Latching Circuits 106 -- 7.9 Temperature Compensation Using Composite Circuits 107 -- Bibliography 109 -- 8 Edge Mode Phase-shifter 111 -- Joseph Helszajn and Henry Downs -- 8.1 Edge Mode Effect 112 -- 8.2 Edge Mode Characteristic Equation 115 -- 8.3 Fields and Power in Edge Mode Devices 115 -- 8.4 Circular Polarization and the Edge Mode Effect 118 -- 8.5 Edge Mode Phase-shifter 120 -- 8.6 Edge Mode Isolators, Phase-shifters, and Circulators 123 -- Bibliography 124 -- 9 The Two-port On/Off H-plane Waveguide Turnstile Gyromagnetic Switch 127 -- Joseph Helszajn, Mark McKay, Alicia Casanueva, and Angel Mediavilla Sánchez -- 9.1 Introduction 127 -- 9.2 Two-port H-plane Turnstile On/Off Switch 127.
9.3 Even and Odd Eigenvectors of E-plane Waveguide Tee Junction 129 -- 9.4 Eigenvalue Adjustment of Turnstile Plane Switch 130 -- 9.5 Eigen-networks 132 -- 9.6 Numerical Adjustments of Passbands 133 -- 9.7 An Off/On H-plane Switch 134 -- Bibliography 136 -- 10 Off/On and On/Off Two-port E-plane Waveguide Switches Using Turnstile Resonators 137 -- Joseph Helszajn, Mark McKay, and John Sharp -- 10.1 Introduction 137 -- 10.2 The Shunt E-plane Tee Junction 138 -- 10.3 Operation of Off/On and On/Off E-plane Switches 140 -- 10.4 Even and Odd Eigenvector of H-plane Waveguide Tee Junction 141 -- 10.5 Phenomenological Description of Two-port Off/On and On/Off Switches 142 -- 10.6 Eigenvalue Diagrams of Small- and Large-gap E-plane Waveguide Tee Junction 144 -- 10.7 Eigenvalue Diagrams of E-plane Waveguide Tee Junction 145 -- 10.8 Eigen-networks of E-plane Tee Junction 146 -- 10.9 Eigenvalue Algorithm 147 -- 10.10 Pass and Stop Bands in Demagnetized E-plane Waveguide Tee Junction 148 -- Bibliography 150 -- 11 Operation of Two-port On/Off and Off/On Planar Switches Using the Mutual Energy-Finite Element Method 153 -- Joseph Helszajn and David J. Lynch -- 11.1 Introduction 153 -- 11.2 Impedance and Admittance Matrices from Mutual Energy Consideration 154 -- 11.3 Impedance and Admittance Matrices for Reciprocal Planar Circuits 157 -- 11.4 Immittance Matrices of n-Port Planar Circuits Using Finite Elements 160 -- 11.5 Frequency Response of Two-port Planar Circuits Using the Mutual Energy-Finite Element Method 161 -- 11.6 Stripline Switch Using Puck/Plug Half-spaces 166 -- Bibliography 169 -- 12 Standing Wave Solutions and Cutoff Numbers of Planar WYE and Equilateral Triangle Resonators 171 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 12.1 Introduction 171 -- 12.2 Cutoff Space of WYE Resonator 172 -- 12.3 Standing Wave Circulation Solution of WYE Resonator 174 -- 12.4 Resonant Frequencies of Quasi-wye Magnetized Resonators 175 -- 12.5 The Gyromagnetic Cutoff Space 179 -- 12.6 TM Field Patterns of Triangular Planar Resonator 180.
12.7 TM1,0,−1 Field Components of Triangular Planar Resonator 182 -- 12.8 Circulation Solutions 182 -- Bibliography 184 -- 13 The Turnstile Junction Circulator: First Circulation Condition 185 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 13.1 Introduction 185 -- 13.2 The Four-port Turnstile Junction Circulator 186 -- 13.3 The Turnstile Junction Circulator 188 -- 13.4 Scattering Matrix 190 -- 13.5 Frequencies of Cavity Resonators 193 -- 13.6 Effective Dielectric Constant of Open Dielectric Waveguide 193 -- 13.7 The Open Dielectric Cavity Resonator 196 -- 13.8 The In-phase Mode 198 -- 13.9 First Circulation Condition 200 -- Bibliography 200 -- 14 The Turnstile Junction Circulator: Second Circulation Condition 203 -- Joseph Helszajn and Mark McKay -- 14.1 Introduction 203 -- 14.2 Complex Gyrator of Turnstile Circulator 204 -- 14.3 Susceptance Slope Parameter, Gyrator Conductance, and Quality Factor 207 -- 14.4 Propagation in Gyromagnetic Waveguides 208 -- 14.5 Eigen-network of Turnstile Circulator 209 -- 14.6 The Quality Factor of the Turnstile Circulator 211 -- 14.7 Susceptance Slope Parameter of Turnstile Junction 213 -- Bibliography 213 -- 15 A Finite-Element Algorithm for the Adjustment of the First Circulation Condition of the H-plane Turnstile Waveguide Circulator 217 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 15.1 Introduction 217 -- 15.2 Bandpass Frequency of a Turnstile Junction 219 -- 15.3 In-phase and Counterrotating Modes of Turnstile Junction 221 -- 15.4 Reference Plane 222 -- 15.5 FE Algorithm 222 -- 15.6 FE Adjustment 224 -- 15.7 The Reentrant Turnstile Junction in Standard WR75 Waveguide 230 -- 15.8 Susceptance Slope Parameter of Degree-1 Junction 230 -- 15.9 Split Frequencies of Gyromagnetic Resonators 233 -- References 236 -- 16 The E-plane Waveguide Wye Junction: First Circulation Conditions 239 -- Joseph Helszajn and Marco Caplin -- 16.1 Introduction 239 -- 16.2 Scattering Matrix of Reciprocal E-plane Three-port Y-junction 240 -- 16.3 Reflection Eigenvalue Diagrams of Three-port Junction Circulator 242.
16.4 Eigen-networks 244 -- 16.5 Pass Band and Stop Band Characteristic Planes 246 -- 16.6 The Dicke Eigenvalue Solution 247 -- 16.7 Stop Band Characteristic Plane 248 -- 16.8 The E-plane Geometry 249 -- 16.9 First Circulation Condition 251 -- 16.10 Calculations of Eigenvalues 253 -- Bibliography 254 -- 17 Adjustment of Prism Turnstile Resonators Latched by Wire Loops 257 -- Joseph Helszajn and William D’Orazio -- 17.1 Introduction 257 -- 17.2 The Prism Resonator 258 -- 17.3 Split Frequency of Cavity Resonator with Up or Down Magnetization 260 -- 17.4 Quality Factor of Gyromagnetic Resonator with Up and Down Magnetization 261 -- 17.5 Shape Factor of Tri-toroidal Resonator 262 -- 17.6 Squareness Ratio 264 -- 17.7 The Complex Gyrator Circuit of the Three-port Junction Circulator 265 -- 17.8 The Alternate Line Transformer 266 -- 17.9 Effective Complex Gyrator Circuit 267 -- Bibliography 267 -- 18 Numerical Adjustment of Waveguide Ferrite Switches Using Tri-toroidal Resonators 269 -- Joseph Helszajn and Mark McKay -- 18.1 Introduction 269 -- 18.2 The Tri-toroidal Resonator 270 -- 18.3 The Wire Carrying Slot Geometry 272 -- 18.4 The Magnetostatic Problem 273 -- 18.5 Quality Factor of Junction Circulators with Up and Down Magnetization 274 -- 18.6 Split Frequencies of Planar and Cavity Gyromagnetic Resonators 275 -- 18.7 The Split Frequencies of Prism Resonator with Up and Down Magnetization 276 -- 18.8 Exact Calculation of Split Frequencies in Tri-toroidal Cavity 277 -- 18.9 Calculation and Experiment 278 -- 18.10 Tri-toroidal Composite Prism Resonator 279 -- 18.11 Tri-toroidal Wye Resonator with Up and Down Magnetization 280 -- Bibliography 282 -- 19 The Waveguide H-plane Tee Junction Circulator Using a Composite Gyromagnetic Resonator 285 -- Joseph Helszajn -- 19.1 Introduction 285 -- 19.2 Eigenvalue Problem of the H-plane Reciprocal Tee Junction 286 -- 19.3 Electrically Symmetric H-plane Junction at the Altman Planes 289 -- 19.4 Characteristic Planes 290 -- 19.5 The Septum-loaded H-plane Waveguide 292.
19.6 The Waveguide Tee Junction Using a Dielectric Post Resonator: First Circulation Condition 294 -- 19.7 The Waveguide Tee Junction Circulator Using a Gyromagnetic Post Resonator: Second Circulation Condition 296 -- 19.8 Composite Dielectric Resonator 297 -- Bibliography 299 -- 20 0 , 90 , and 180 Passive Power Dividers 301 -- Joseph Helszajn and Mark McKay -- 20.1 Introduction 301 -- 20.2 Wilkinson Power Divider 302 -- 20.3 Even and Odd Mode Adjustment of the Wilkinson Power Divider 302 -- 20.4 Scattering Matrix of 90 Directional Coupler 305 -- 20.5 Even and Odd Mode Theory of Directional Couplers 309 -- 20.6 Power Divider Using 90 Hybrids 311 -- 20.7 Variable Power Dividers 313 -- 20.8 180 Waveguide Hybrid Network 314 -- Bibliography 318 -- Index 321 --.
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"This book deals with the important RF/microwave components such as switches and phase shifters, which are relevant to many RF/microwave applications including military and commercial, space and terrestrial communication. The book provides the reader with fundamental principles of the operation of some basic ferrite control devices and explain their system uses. The 20-chapter volume begins by reviewing traditional nonreciprocal components, such as circulators, and then proceeds to discuss the most recent advances. In this way the author connects theoretical and scientific characteristics of the devices listed in the title with practical understanding and implementation in the real world. Overall the book provides a discussion of the state-of-the-art in this niche field, providing a reference and guide to practitioners and graduate students"-- Provided by publisher.
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