Advances in nanostructured materials and nanopatterning technologies
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Front Cover -- Advances in Nanostructured Materials and Nanopatterning Technologies -- Advances in Nanostructured Materials and Nanopatterning Technologies: Applications for Healthcare, Environmental and Energy -- Copyright -- Contents -- Contributors -- 1 -- General topics -- 1 -- From nanocomposites to nanostructured materials -- 1. Introduction: why nano? -- 2. Nanocomposites -- 2.1 Classifications -- 2.2 Structure and processing methodologies -- 2.3 Applications -- 2.3.1 Nanocomposites for energy applications -- 2.3.2 Nanocomposites for environmental applications
2.3.3 Biomedical applications -- 3. Nanofabrication -- 4. Nanoscale surface modification -- 4.1 The importance of surface science and nanoscale surfaces -- 4.2 Main techniques for nanoscale surface modification -- 4.3 Examples of nanoscale surface modifications and applications -- References -- Further reading -- 2 -- Manufacturing at nanoscale: from molecular machines to transducers -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Basic concepts -- 2.1 The molecular bottom-up approach -- 2.2 Terms and definitions -- 2.3 Energy supply -- 2.4 Mechanically interlocked molecules as nanoscale machines
3. Prototypical examples -- 3.1 Linear movements: molecular shuttles, muscles, and elevators -- 3.2 Molecular rotary motors -- 4. Towards applications -- 4.1 Molecular factories -- 4.2 Macroscopic actuation with artificial molecule-based muscles -- 4.3 Nanovalves for molecular delivery -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- 3 -- Subtracting technologies: Unconventional Nanolithography -- 1. Introduction -- 1.1 General aspects of the subtractive process -- 2. Optical methods -- 2.1 Direct fabrication of 2D/3D structures -- 2.2 Refinement of prefabricated structures -- 2.3 Mask fabrication
3. Scanning probe methods -- 3.1 Optical-based scanning probe lithography -- 3.2 Mechanical-based scanning probe lithography -- 4. Stamp-based methods -- 4.1 Direct reverse stamping -- 4.2 Reverse stamping by dewetting -- 4.3 Spatially controlled chemical reaction -- 5. Conclusions -- References -- 2 -- Healthcare -- 4 -- Biomimetic routes to micro/nanofabrication: morphogenetically active high-energy inorganic polyphosphate nano/m ... -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Inorganic polyP: chemistry -- 3. Inorganic polyP: biology -- 4. The model in nature: physiologically occurring polyP nano/microparticles
5. Biomimetic fabrication of amorphous polyP nano/microparticles -- 6. Formation of coacervate complexes from polyP nano/microparticles -- 7. Biological properties: high-energy storage and release -- 8. Biological properties: morphogenetic activity -- 9. Biohybrid formation with hydrogel forming polymers and additive manufacturing -- 10. Biomedical applications -- 11. Safety assessment -- 12. Future strategies -- References -- 5 -- Nanostructured coatings for antimicrobial applications -- 1. Arthroplasty -- 1.1 Prosthesis fixation options
Advances in Nanostructured Materials and Nanopatterning Technologies: Applications for Healthcare, Environment and Energy demonstrates how to apply micro- and nanofabrication and bioextrusion based systems for cell printing, electrophoretic deposition, antimicrobial applications, and nanoparticles technologies for use in a range of green industry sectors, with an emphasis on emerging applications.
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