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Intelligent nanomaterials for drug delivery applications / edited by Nabeel Ahmad, P. Gopinath.

Contributor(s): Ahmad, Nabeel [editor.] | Gopinath, P [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Amsterdam, Netherlands ; Cambridge, MA, United States : Elsevier, [2020]Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 0128178310; 9780128178317.Subject(s): Drug delivery systems | Nanostructured materials | Smart materials | Biomedical engineering | Drug Delivery Systems -- methods | Drug Delivery Systems | Nanostructures | Syst�emes d'administration de m�edicaments | Nanomat�eriaux | Mat�eriaux intelligents | G�enie biom�edical | biomedical engineering | Biomedical engineering | Drug delivery systems | Nanostructured materials | Smart materialsAdditional physical formats: Print version:: No titleDDC classification: 615.6 Online resources: ScienceDirect
Front Cover -- Intelligent Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery Applications -- Intelligent Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery Applications -- Copyright -- List of Contributors -- Contents -- 1 -- Introduction to Active, Smart, and Intelligent Nanomaterials for Biomedical Application -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. TYPES OF NANOMATERIALS -- 2.1 Inorganic Nanoparticles -- 2.1.1 Metal nanoparticles -- 2.1.2 Magnetic nanoparticles -- 2.1.3 Mesoporous silica system -- 2.2 Micelles -- 2.3 Carbon Nanotubes -- 2.4 Liposomes -- 2.5 Polymer-Based Nanoparticles -- 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF NANOMATERIALS
3.1 Particle Size -- 3.2 Surface Properties -- 3.3 Drug Loading -- 3.4 Drug Release -- 4. TYPES OF TARGETING -- 4.1 Passive Targeting -- 4.2 Active Targeting -- 4.3 Stimuli-Responsive Targeting -- 5. NANOMATERIALS IN MEDICINE: THE IDEAL SCALE -- 5.1 Pulmonology -- 5.2 Ophthalmology -- 5.3 Cardiovascular System -- 5.4 Oncology -- 5.5 Brain-The Ultimate Target for Drug-Delivery Application -- 6. TOXICOLOGICAL ISSUES OF NANOMATERIALS -- 7. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK -- REFERENCES -- 2- pH-Sensitive Nanomaterials for Smart Release of Drugs -- 1. INTRODUCTION
2. PH-DEPENDENT CELLULAR MICROENVIRONMENTS FOR TARGETED DRUG DELIVERY -- 3. MECHANISM OF PH-SENSING NANOMATERIAL FOR SMART DRUG RELEASE -- 4. TYPES OF NANOMATERIALS USED FOR PH-SENSITIVE DRUG DELIVERY -- 4.1 Polymeric Nanocomposites -- 4.1.1 Polymeric nanospheres -- 4.1.2 Dendrimers -- 4.1.3 Core-shell polymeric nanoparticles -- 4.1.4 Polymer-drug conjugates -- 4.1.5 Nanocomposite hydrogels -- 4.1.6 Micelles -- 4.2 Liposomes -- 4.3 Inorganic-Organic Nanocomposites -- 4.3.1 Mesoporous silica nanoparticles -- 4.3.2 Metal nanocomposites -- 5. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES -- 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS
2.1 Polysaccharide-Based Drug-Delivery Systems -- 2.2 Metallic Nanoparticle-Based Drug-Delivery Systems -- 2.3 Carbon-Based Nanostructures -- 2.4 Protein-Based Nanostructures -- 2.5 Nucleic Acid-Based Nanostructures -- 2.6 Silica-Based Nanostructures -- 2.7 Lipid-Based Structures -- 3. NANOMEDIATED DRUG-DELIVERY APPROACHES IN GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM -- 3.1 Enzyme-Based Approach -- 3.2 pH-Based Approach -- 3.3 Time-Based Approach -- 3.4 Pressure-Based Approach -- 3.5 Redox-Based Approach -- 4. TYPES OF INTERACTIONS OF NANOPARTICLES IN GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM
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