Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis [electronic resource] : Third Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2007, Girona, Spain, June 6-8, 2007, Proceedings, Part I / edited by Joan Martí, José M. Benedí, Ana M. Mendonça, Joan Serrat.
Contributor(s): Martí, Joan [editor.]
| Benedí, José M [editor.]
| Mendonça, Ana M [editor.]
| Serrat, Joan [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Known Unknowns: Novelty Detection in Condition Monitoring -- Seeing the Invisible and Predicting the Unexpected -- Vision-Based SLAM in Real-Time -- Handwritten Symbol Recognition by a Boosted Blurred Shape Model with Error Correction -- Bayesian Hyperspectral Image Segmentation with Discriminative Class Learning -- Comparison of Unsupervised Band Selection Methods for Hyperspectral Imaging -- Learning Mixture Models for Gender Classification Based on Facial Surface Normals -- Feature Selection Based on a New Formulation of the Minimal-Redundancy-Maximal-Relevance Criterion -- Topological Histogram Reduction Towards Colour Segmentation -- Dealing with Non-linearity in Shape Modelling of Articulated Objects -- Human Motion Characterization Using Spatio-temporal Features -- Fast Stochastic Context-Free Parsing: A Stochastic Version of the Valiant Algorithm -- Supervised Segmentation Based on Texture Signatures Extracted in the Frequency Domain -- Analysis of Relevant Maxima in Distance Transform. An Application to Fast Coarse Image Segmentation -- Performance Analysis of Classifier Ensembles: Neural Networks Versus Nearest Neighbor Rule -- Robust Multiple-People Tracking Using Colour-Based Particle Filters -- Structure Restriction for Tracking Through Multiple Views and Occlusions -- On the Detection of Regions-of-Interest in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI -- Dealing with the Perspective Distortion to Detect Overtaking Cars for Driving Assistance -- 3D Reconstruction on MRI to Analyse Marbling and Fat Level in Iberian Loin -- Epiflow Based Stereo Fusion -- Automatic Segmentation of the Liver in CT Using Level Sets Without Edges -- Spectral Modes of Facial Needle-Maps -- Classifiers for Vegetation and Forest Mapping with Low Resolution Multiespectral Imagery -- A Robust Audio Fingerprint's BasedIdentification Method -- Development of a Methodology for Automated Crater Detection on Planetary Images -- Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for Human Appearance and Position Tracking -- Parameter System for Human Physiological Data Representation and Analysis -- Face Recognition in Color Using Complex and Hypercomplex Representations -- A Semi-automatic Approach to Photo Identification of Wild Elephants -- Language Identification Based on Phone Decoding for Basque and Spanish -- Computer Assisted Transcription of Speech -- Word Segments in Category-Based Language Models for Automatic Speech Recognition -- Part-of-Speech Tagging Based on Machine Translation Techniques -- Bilingual Text Classification -- Robust Lane Lines Detection and Quantitative Assessment -- Matrics, a Car License Plate Recognition System -- Automatic Labeling of Colonoscopy Video for Cancer Detection -- Functional Pattern Recognition of 3D Laser Scanned Images of Wood-Pulp Chips -- Hardware Implementation of Moment Functions in a CMOS Retina: Application to Pattern Recognition -- Decimation Estimation and Linear Model-Based Super-Resolution Using Zoomed Observations -- Line Extraction from Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar -- Road Signs Recognition by the Scale-Space Template Matching in the Log-Polar Domain -- The Condition of Kernelizing an Algorithm and an Equivalence Between Kernel Methods -- A Probabilistic Observation Model for Stereo Vision Systems: Application to Particle Filter-Based Mapping and Localization -- New Neighborhood Based Classification Rules for Metric Spaces and Their Use in Ensemble Classification -- Classification of Voltage Sags Based on MPCA Models -- On-Line Handwriting Recognition System for Tamil Handwritten Characters -- A New Type of Feature - Loose N-Gram Feature in TextCategorization -- Variational Deconvolution of Multi-channel Images with Inequality Constraints -- HMM-Based Action Recognition Using Contour Histograms -- Locating and Segmenting 3D Deformable Objects by Using Clusters of Contour Fragments -- Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microarray Spot Segmentation -- Haar Wavelets and Edge Orientation Histograms for On-Board Pedestrian Detection -- Face Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Manifold Learning -- Optimized Associative Memories for Feature Selection -- Automatic Construction of Fuzzy Rules for Modelling and Prediction of the Central Nervous System -- A Clustering Technique for Video Copy Detection -- Invariant Multi-scale Object Categorisation and Recognition -- Combination of N-Grams and Stochastic Context-Free Grammars in an Offline Handwritten Recognition System -- Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation Using Approximate Matching -- Motion Segmentation from Feature Trajectories with Missing Data -- Segmentation of Rigid Motion from Non-rigid 2D Trajectories -- Hierarchical Eyelid and Face Tracking -- Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Sequences for Human Behavior Interpretation -- A Comparative Study of Local Descriptors for Object Category Recognition: SIFT vs HMAX -- Moment-Based Pattern Representation Using Shape and Grayscale Features -- Parsimonious Kernel Fisher Discrimination -- Explicit Modelling of Invariances in Bernoulli Mixtures for Binary Images -- Computer Vision Approaches to Pedestrian Detection: Visible Spectrum Survey -- A Decision-Tree-Based Online Speaker Clustering -- Classification of Continuous Heart Sound Signals Using the Ergodic Hidden Markov Model -- A Protocol to Cipher Digital Images Based on Cat Maps and Cellular Automata -- Perceptually-Based Functions forCoarseness Textural Feature Representation -- Vehicle Trajectory Estimation Based on Monocular Vision -- A Neural Network Model for Image Change Detection Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps -- Semiring Lattice Parsing Applied to CYK -- Constrained Monocular Obstacle Perception with Just One Frame.
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