Communications and Multimedia Security [electronic resource] : 10th IFIP TC-6 TC 11 International Conference, CMS 2006, Heraklion Crete, Greece, October 19-21, 2006, Proceedings / edited by Herbert Leitold, Evangelos Markatos.
Contributor(s): Leitold, Herbert [editor.]
| Markatos, Evangelos [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Computing of Trust in Ad-Hoc Networks -- TAO: Protecting Against Hitlist Worms Using Transparent Address Obfuscation -- On the Privacy Risks of Publishing Anonymized IP Network Traces -- Secure Mobile Notifications of Civilians in Case of a Disaster -- A Fair Anonymous Submission and Review System -- Attribute Delegation Based on Ontologies and Context Information -- Adding Support to XACML for Dynamic Delegation of Authority in Multiple Domains -- One-Round Protocol for Two-Party Verifier-Based Password-Authenticated Key Exchange -- Enhanced CAPTCHAs: Using Animation to Tell Humans and Computers Apart -- Perturbing and Protecting a Traceable Block Cipher -- A New Encryption and Hashing Scheme for the Security Architecture for Microprocessors -- Timed Release Cryptography from Bilinear Pairings Using Hash Chains -- Compression of Encrypted Visual Data -- Selective Encryption for Hierarchical MPEG -- Equivalence Analysis Among DIH, SPA, and RS Steganalysis Methods -- A Flexible and Open DRM Framework -- PPINA - A Forensic Investigation Protocol for Privacy Enhancing Technologies -- A Privacy Agent in Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing Environments -- Ensuring Privacy in Smartcard-Based Payment Systems: A Case Study of Public Metro Transit Systems -- Attack Graph Based Evaluation of Network Security -- Information Modeling for Automated Risk Analysis -- Towards Practical Attacker Classification for Risk Analysis in Anonymous Communication.
Duringthelastfewyearsweseenetworkandinformationsystemsecurityplaying an increasingly important role in our everyday lives. As our computers continue to get infested by all sorts of malware, and as our networks continue to choke with spam and malicious tra?c, we see more and more people losing their co- dence in information technologies as they get signi?cantly concernedabout their security as well as their privacy and that of their loved ones. In their e?ort to cope with the problem, scientists, managers, and politicians all over the world havedesignedandarecurrently implementing systematicapproachesto network and information security, most of which are underlined by the same principle: there is much more room for improvement and research. Along the lines of encouraging and catalyzing research in the area of c- munications and multimedia security, it is our great pleasure to present the proceedings of the 10th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Conference on Communications and MultimediaSecurity(CMS2006),whichwasheldinHeraklion,CreteonOctober 19-21, 2006. Continuing the tradition of previous CMS conferences, we sought a balanced program containing presentations on various aspects of secure c- munication and multimedia systems. Special emphasis was laid on papers with direct practical relevance for the construction of secure communication systems. The selection of the program was a challenging task. In total, we received 76 submissions, from which 22 were selected for presentation as full papers.
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