Charting the Topic Maps Research and Applications Landscape [electronic resource] : First International Workshop on Topic Map Research and Applications, TMRA 2005, Leipzig, Germany, October 6-7, 2005, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Lutz Maicher, Jack Park.
Contributor(s): Maicher, Lutz [editor.]
| Park, Jack [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Topic Mapping: A View of the Road Ahead -- Metamorphosis - A Topic Maps Based Environment to Handle Heterogeneous Information Resources -- Concept Glossary Manager - Topic Maps Engine and Navigator -- Application Framework Based on Topic Maps -- TMRAP - Topic Maps Remote Access Protocol -- Replication of Published Subject Indicator as Thesaurus by Means of LDAP -- Topic Map Exchange in the Absence of Shared Vocabularies -- Conceptual Modeling of Topic Maps with ORM Versus UML -- Topic Maps for Image Collections -- Real-Time Generation of Topic Maps from Speech Streams -- A Case for Polyscopic Structuring of Information -- Subject Centric IT in Local Government -- Just for Me: Topic Maps and Ontologies -- Rebuilding Virtual Study Environments Using Topic Maps -- Collaborative Software Development and Topic Maps -- Topic Maps for European Administrative Nomenclature -- tolog - A Topic Maps Query Language -- A TMDM Disclosure Using T?+? -- TM/XML - Topic Maps Fragments in XML -- Navigating Through Archives, Libraries and Museums: Topic Maps as a Harmonizing Instrument -- MARCXTM: Topic Maps Modeling of MARC Bibliographic Information -- Improving Information Retrieval Using XML and Topic Maps -- Visualizing Search Results from Metadata-Enabled Repositories in Cultural Domains -- Report on the Open Space Sessions.
The papers in this volume were presented at the workshop "Topic Map Research and Applications 2005" held on October 6-7, 2005, in Leipzig. TMRA 2005 was the first workshop of an annual series of international workshops dedicated to topic maps in research and industry. As the motto "Charting the Topic Maps Research and Applications Landscape" suggests, the aim of TMRA 2005 was to identify the primary open issues in research, learn about who is working on what, bring together researchers and application pioneers, stimulate the systematic tackling of such issues, and foster the exchange of ideas in a stimulating setting. Besides the scientific track, open-space sessions were foreseen as playgrounds for visionaries. A report from this look into future is added to this volume. TMRA 2005 was organised by the Zentrum für Informations-, Wissens- und Dienstleistungsmanagement Leipzig to support exchange of experiences, results, and technology in the field of topic maps. The 24 papers (1 invited, 17 full papers, 5 work-in-progress reports, and 1 report on the open-space sessions) presented at TMRA 2005 and in the present volume were selected from more than 35 submissions. Every submission was carefully reviewed by three members of the Program Committee. Before publishing, the editors introduced an additional editorial loop after the workshop to ensure the highest quality and latest insights.
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