Smart Grid Security [electronic resource] : First International Workshop, SmartGridSec 2012, Berlin, Germany, December 3, 2012, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Jorge Cuellar.
Contributor(s): Cuellar, Jorge [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Invited Papers -- IT Security Architecture Approaches for Smart Metering and Smart Grid -- Smart Grid Information Exchange - Securing the Smart Grid from the Ground -- A Tool Set for the Evaluation of Security and Reliability in Smart Grids -- Regular Papers -- A Holistic View of Security and Privacy Issues in Smart Grids -- Hardware Security for Device Authentication in the Smart Grid -- Maintaining Privacy in Data Rich Demand Response Applications -- Data Protection in a Cloud-Enabled Smart Grid -- Formal Analysis of a Privacy-Preserving Billing Protocol -- Privacy in Smart Metering Ecosystems -- Energy@home Leveraging ZigBee to Enable Smart Grid in Residential Environment.
The engineering, deployment and security of the future smart grid will be an enormous project requiring the consensus of many stakeholders with different views on the security and privacy requirements, not to mention methods and solutions. The fragmentation of research agendas and proposed approaches or solutions for securing the future smart grid becomes apparent observing the results from different projects, standards, committees, etc, in different countries. The different approaches and views of the papers in this collection also witness this fragmentation. This book contains three full-paper length invited papers and 7 corrected and extended papers from the First International Workshop on Smart Grid Security, SmartGridSec 2012, which brought together researchers from different communities from academia and industry in the area of securing the Future Smart Grid and was held in Berlin, Germany, on December 3, 2012.
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