Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition [electronic resource] : Second IAPR Workshop, ANNPR 2006, Ulm, Germany, August 31-September 2, 2006, Proceedings / edited by Friedhelm Schwenker, Simone Marinai.
Contributor(s): Schwenker, Friedhelm [editor.]
| Marinai, Simone [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Unsupervised Learning -- Simple and Effective Connectionist Nonparametric Estimation of Probability Density Functions -- Comparison Between Two Spatio-Temporal Organization Maps for Speech Recognition -- Adaptive Feedback Inhibition Improves Pattern Discrimination Learning -- Semi-supervised Learning -- Supervised Batch Neural Gas -- Fuzzy Labeled Self-Organizing Map with Label-Adjusted Prototypes -- On the Effects of Constraints in Semi-supervised Hierarchical Clustering -- A Study of the Robustness of KNN Classifiers Trained Using Soft Labels -- Supervised Learning -- An Experimental Study on Training Radial Basis Functions by Gradient Descent -- A Local Tangent Space Alignment Based Transductive Classification Algorithm -- Incremental Manifold Learning Via Tangent Space Alignment -- A Convolutional Neural Network Tolerant of Synaptic Faults for Low-Power Analog Hardware -- Ammonium Estimation in a Biological Wastewater Plant Using Feedforward Neural Networks -- Support Vector Learning -- Support Vector Regression Using Mahalanobis Kernels -- Incremental Training of Support Vector Machines Using Truncated Hypercones -- Fast Training of Linear Programming Support Vector Machines Using Decomposition Techniques -- Multiple Classifier Systems -- Multiple Classifier Systems for Embedded String Patterns -- Multiple Neural Networks for Facial Feature Localization in Orientation-Free Face Images -- Hierarchical Neural Networks Utilising Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory -- Combining MF Networks: A Comparison Among Statistical Methods and Stacked Generalization -- Visual Object Recognition -- Object Detection and Feature Base Learning with Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks -- Visual Classification of Images by Learning Geometric Appearances Through Boosting -- An Eye Detection System Based on Neural Autoassociators -- Orientation Histograms for Face Recognition -- Data Mining in Bioinformatics -- An Empirical Comparison of Feature Reduction Methods in the Context of Microarray Data Classification -- Unsupervised Feature Selection for Biomarker Identification in Chromatography and Gene Expression Data -- Learning and Feature Selection Using the Set Covering Machine with Data-Dependent Rays on Gene Expression Profiles.
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