Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XI [electronic resource] : 11th International Conference, Krakov, Poland, September 11-15, 2010, Proceedings, Part II / edited by Robert Schaefer, Carlos Cotta, Joanna Kolodziej, Günter Rudolph.
Contributor(s): Schaefer, Robert [editor.]
| Cotta, Carlos [editor.]
| Kolodziej, Joanna [editor.]
| Rudolph, Günter [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
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Multiobjective Optimization, Models and Applications -- A Novel Smart Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimisation Using Decomposition -- A Hybrid Scalarization and Adaptive ?-Ranking Strategy for Many-Objective Optimization -- pMODE-LD+SS: An Effective and Efficient Parallel Differential Evolution Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization -- Improved Dynamic Lexicographic Ordering for Multi-Objective Optimisation -- Privacy-Preserving Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms -- Optimizing Delivery Time in Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows -- Speculative Evaluation in Particle Swarm Optimization -- Towards Directed Open-Ended Search by a Novelty Guided Evolution Strategy -- Consultant-Guided Search Algorithms with Local Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem -- Many-Objective Test Problems to Visually Examine the Behavior of Multiobjective Evolution in a Decision Space -- Preference-Based Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Using Desirabilities -- GPGPU-Compatible Archive Based Stochastic Ranking Evolutionary Algorithm (G-ASREA) for Multi-Objective Optimization -- Hybrid Directional-Biased Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization -- A Framework for Incorporating Trade-Off Information Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms -- Applications, Engineering and Economical Models -- Topography-Aware Sensor Deployment Optimization with CMA-ES -- Evolutionary Optimization on Problems Subject to Changes of Variables -- On-Line Purchasing Strategies for an Evolutionary Algorithm Performing Resource-Constrained Optimization -- Parallel Artificial Immune System in Optimization and Identification of Composite Structures -- Bioreactor Control by Genetic Programming -- Solving the One-Commodity Pickup and Delivery Problem Using an Adaptive HybridVNS/SA Approach -- Testing the Dinosaur Hypothesis under Empirical Datasets -- Fractal Gene Regulatory Networks for Control of Nonlinear Systems -- An Effective Hybrid Evolutionary Local Search for Orienteering and Team Orienteering Problems with Time Windows -- Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for Solving the Terminal Assignment Problem -- Decentralized Evolutionary Agents Streamlining Logistic Network Design -- Testing the Permutation Space Based Geometric Differential Evolution on the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem -- New Uncertainty Handling Strategies in Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization -- Evolving a Single Scalable Controller for an Octopus Arm with a Variable Number of Segments -- Multi-agent Systems and Parallel Approaches -- An Island Model for the No-Wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem -- Environment-Driven Embodied Evolution in a Population of Autonomous Agents -- Large-Scale Global Optimization Using Cooperative Coevolution with Variable Interaction Learning -- EvoShelf: A System for Managing and Exploring Evolutionary Data -- Differential Evolution Algorithms with Cellular Populations -- Flocking in Stationary and Non-stationary Environments: A Novel Communication Strategy for Heading Alignment -- Evolution of XPath Lists for Document Data Selection -- PMF: A Multicore-Enabled Framework for the Construction of Metaheuristics for Single and Multiobjective Optimization -- Parallel Evolutionary Approach of Compaction Problem Using MapReduce -- Ant Colony Optimization with Immigrants Schemes in Dynamic Environments -- Secret Key Specification for a Variable-Length Cryptographic Cellular Automata Model -- Variable Neighborhood Search and Ant Colony Optimization for the Rooted Delay-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem -- Adaptive Modularization of the MAPK Signaling Pathway Using the Multiagent Paradigm -- Genetic Computing and Games -- Experimental Comparison of Methods to Handle Boundary Constraints in Differential Evolution -- Entropy-Driven Evolutionary Approaches to the Mastermind Problem -- Evolutionary Detection of New Classes of Equilibria: Application in Behavioral Games -- Design and Comparison of two Evolutionary Approaches for Solving the Rubik's Cube -- Statistical Analysis of Parameter Setting in Real-Coded Evolutionary Algorithms -- Performance of Network Crossover on NK Landscapes and Spin Glasses -- Promoting Phenotypic Diversity in Genetic Programming -- A Genetic Programming Approach to the Matrix Bandwidth-Minimization Problem -- Using Co-solvability to Model and Exploit Synergetic Effects in Evolution -- Fast Grammar-Based Evolution Using Memoization -- Evolution of Conventions and Social Polarization in Dynamical Complex Networks -- Evolving Strategies for Updating Pheromone Trails: A Case Study with the TSP -- The Role of Syntactic and Semantic Locality of Crossover in Genetic Programming -- The Layered Learning Method and Its Application to Generation of Evaluation Functions for the Game of Checkers.
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