Networked Services and Applications - Engineering, Control and Management [electronic resource] : 16th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 Workshop, EUNICE 2010, Trondheim, Norway, June 28-30, 2010, Proceedings / edited by Finn Arve Aagesen, Svein J. Knapskog.
Contributor(s): Aagesen, Finn Arve [editor.]
| Knapskog, Svein J [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Admission Control and Networking -- On the Performance of Grooming Strategies for Offloading IP Flows onto Lightpaths in Hybrid Networks -- MBAC: Impact of the Measurement Error on Key Performance Issues -- An Algorithm for Automatic Base Station Placement in Cellular Network Deployment -- An Energy-Efficient FPGA-Based Packet Processing Framework -- Service Mobility -- Service Migration Protocol for NFC Links -- Swarm Intelligence Heuristics for Component Deployment -- Peer-to-Peer and Virtualization -- On Force-Based Placement of Distributed Services within a Substrate Network -- Enabling P2P Gaming with Network Coding -- A Virtual File System Interface for Computational Grids -- Security -- Labeled VoIP Data-Set for Intrusion Detection Evaluation -- Document Provenance in the Cloud: Constraints and Challenges -- Wireless Handoff Optimization: A Comparison of IEEE 802.11r and HOKEY -- Introducing Perfect Forward Secrecy for AN.ON -- Congestion Control -- Mobility-Aware Drop Precedence Scheme in DiffServ-Enabled Mobile Network Systems -- Theoretical Analysis of an Ideal Startup Scheme in Multihomed SCTP -- Monitoring and Filtering -- The Network Data Handling War: MySQL vs. NfDump -- Processing of Flow Accounting Data in Java: Framework Design and Performance Evaluation -- Fighting Spam on the Sender Side: A Lightweight Approach -- Dependability -- Degradation Model for Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers to Reduce Network Downtime -- A Token Based Approach Detecting Downtime in Distributed Application Servers or Network Elements -- Distributed Resource Reservation for Beacon Based MAC Protocols -- Adaptation and Reconfiguration -- On Runtime Adaptation of Application-Layer Multicast Protocol Parameters -- A Framework with Proactive Nodes for Scheduling and Optimizing Distributed Embedded Systems -- Resource Adaptive Distributed Information Sharing -- Poster Session -- Performance Impacts of Node Failures on a Chord-Based Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Network -- A Low-Power Scheme for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks -- Flow Aggregation Using Dynamic Packet State -- Evaluating MDC with Incentives in P2PTV Systems -- Translation from UML to SPN Model: A Performance Modeling Framework -- An Open and Extensible Service Discovery for Ubiquitous Communication Systems.
The EUNICE (European Network of Universities and Companies in Information and Communication technology) ( mission is to jointly - velop and promote the best and most compatible standard of European higher edu- tion and professionals in ICT by increasing scientific and technical knowledge in the field of ICT and developing their applications in the economy. The EUNICE Wo- shop is an annual event. This year the workshop was sponsored by IFIP TC 6 WG 6.6: Management of Networks and Distributed Systems. Eight years ago, the seventh edition of the EUNICE workshop took place in Tro- heim with the topic "Adaptable Networks and Teleservices." Since then "adaptability" has become a topic which is found in most ICT conferences. The concept teleservices, which is a telecommunication domain concept from the 1980s, has been lifted out of the telecom community and is now found with new and sometimes mysterious names such as service-oriented architecture and cloud computing.
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