Autonomic Communication [electronic resource] : Second International IFIP Workshop, WAC 2005, Athens, Greece, October 2-5, 2005, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Ioannis Stavrakakis, Michael Smirnov.
Contributor(s): Stavrakakis, Ioannis [editor.]
| Smirnov, Michael [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Autonomic Session 1 -- Pocket Switched Networking: Challenges, Feasibility and Implementation Issues -- Experiments on the Automatic Evolution of Protocols Using Genetic Programming -- Service Evolution in a Nomadic Wireless Environment -- User Cooperation and Search in Intelligent Networks -- Autonomic Session 2 -- Autonomic Wireless Network Management -- Context-Driven Self-configuration of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- Autonomous Self-deployment of Wireless Access Networks in an Airport Environment -- Autonomic Session 3 -- Knowledge Networks -- Towards a Reliable, Wide-Area Infrastructure for Context-Based Self-management of Communications -- Semantic Interoperability for an Autonomic Knowledge Delivery Service -- Autonomic Session 4 -- Autonomic Communication Security in Sensor Networks -- Trust Management Issues for Ad Hoc and Self-organized Networks -- Multipath Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Security Issues and Performance Evaluation -- Autonomic Session 5 -- Autonomous Network Equipments -- Towards Self-optimizing Protocol Stack for Autonomic Communication: Initial Experience -- Towards Service Awareness and Autonomic Features in a SIP-Enabled Network -- Autonomic Session 6 -- Integration of Decentralized Economic Models for Resource Self-management in Application Layer Networks -- Service Discovery and Provision for Autonomic Mobile Computing -- Context Dissemination for Autonomic Communication Systems -- Autonomic Session 7 -- On Natural Mobility Models -- Nomadic Wireless Sensor Networks for Autonomic Pervasive Environments -- Adaptive Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks -- Invited Program -- Keynote Talk Summary: Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor Networks -- Invited Talk I Summary: Opportunistic Spectrum Access for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Research Challenges -- Invited Talk IISummary: Incentive Schemes in Memory-Less P2P Systems -- Invited Talk III Summary: Coordination and Resilience in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks -- Panel Reports -- Panel 1 Report: Autonomicity Versus Complexity -- Panel 2 Report: Autonomic Communication Roadmap.
The Second IFIP Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2005) took place on October 2-5, 2005, in Athens, Greece. The previous (and first) edition of WAC took place in Berlin in 2004 and its next (and third) edition in Paris in 2006. The workshop was organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and was supported by the EU-funded IST-FET Autonomic Communication Coordination Action (ACCA - IST-6475). Additional support was provided by the EU-funded IST Network of Excellence E-NEXT (IST-506869). Finally, IFIP TC6 provided scientific sponsorship through Working Groups IFIP WG6. 6 (Management of Networks and Distributed Systems) and IFIP WG6. 3 (Performance of Communication Systems). The workshop was organized at a time when the - yet to be well defined - field of autonomic communication (AC) is attracting the interest of both the scientific community and the research funding organizations. The latter is manifested, on one hand, by the numerous recent relevant research exploratory forums, workshop panels, preliminary forward-looking position papers, research outlooks and frameworks and, on the other hand, by the commitment of the FET program of the European Commission in Europe to funding long-term research in this area for the next four years. Consequently, the second edition of WAC was highly exploratory and included a nice mix of technical work addressing some already identified problems and well-articulated ideas on the direction this field should take and the fundamental problems whose solution would enable autonomicity.
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