Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications - ISPA 2005 Workshops [electronic resource] : ISPA 2005 International Workshops, AEPP, ASTD, BIOS, GCIC, IADS, MASN, SGCA, and WISA, Nanjing, China, November 2-5, 2005, Proceedings / edited by Guihai Chen, Yi Pan, Minyi Guo, Jian Lu.
Contributor(s): Chen, Guihai [editor.]
| Pan, Yi [editor.]
| Guo, Minyi [editor.]
| Lu, Jian [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Workshop 1: International Workshop on Applications and Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems (AEPP 2005) -- Aurelia: Building Locality-Preserving Overlay Network over Heterogeneous P2P Environments -- On Building and Updating Distributed LSI for P2P Systems -- Performing Efficient Keyword Search by Keyword Grouping in DHT Peer-to-Peer Network -- Characterization of P2P File-Sharing System -- Analysis of GHT in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- Attack Vulnerability of Peer-to-Peer Networks and Cost-Effective Immunization -- A P2P Market Place Based on Aggregate Signatures -- Proof of Service in a Hybrid P2P Environment -- Construct Optimal Diameter Network and d-partition Routing Algorithm -- Decoupling Service and Feedback Trust in a Peer-to-Peer Reputation System -- Workshop 2: International Workshop on Advanced Storage Technology and Autonomic Distributed Data (ASTD 2005) -- VTarget: An Improved Software Target Emulator for SANs -- Design and Implementation of an Efficient Multipath for a SAN Environment -- Research of Hot-Spot Selection Algorithm in Virtual Address Switch -- An Efficient Cache Replacement Policy with Distinguishing Write Blocks from Read Blocks in Disk Arrays -- An NFSv4-Based Security Scheme for NAS -- Using Blocks Correlations to Improve the I/O Performance of Large Network Storage System -- A Cluster LVM for SAN Environments -- Workshop 3: International Workshop on Bioinformatics (BIOS 2005) -- COMPACT: A Comparative Package for Clustering Assessment -- Fast Sequence Similarity Computing with LCS on LARPBS -- Fast Scalable Algorithm on LARPBS for Sequence Alignment -- Identification, Expansion, and Disambiguation of Acronyms in Biomedical Texts -- A Knowledge-Driven Method to Evaluate Multi-source Clustering -- Understanding Protein Structure Prediction Using SVM_DT -- Various Features with Integrated Strategies for Protein Name Classification -- Workshop 4: International Workshop on Grid Computing in China (GCIC 2005) -- Uniform Authorization Management in ChinaGrid Support Platform -- to ChinaGrid Support Platform -- A Microeconomics-Based Resource Assignment Model for Grid Computing -- The Campus Resource Management Based on Constellation Model in the ChinaGrid -- Grid Computing Methodology for Protein Structure Prediction and Analysis -- Applying Service Composition in Digital Museum Grid -- Grid Supporting Platform for AMS Data Processing -- A CGSP-Based Grid Application for University Digital Museums -- FleMA: A Flexible Measurement Architecture for ChinaGrid -- A Resource Scheduling Strategy for the CFD Application on the Grid -- Workshop 5: International Workshop on Information Assurance in Distributed Systems (IADS 2005) -- A Robust Coalition-Resistant Threshold Signature Scheme with Anonymous Signers -- A Novel ID-Based Partial Delegation with Warrant Proxy Signature Scheme -- An Efficient Proxy-Protected Signature Scheme Based on Factoring -- Security of an Efficient ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol from Pairings -- Encryption Based on Reversible Second-Order Cellular Automata -- ID-Based Proxy Signature Using Bilinear Pairings -- Efficient Fair Certified E-Mail Delivery Based on RSA -- Intrusion Tolerant CA Scheme with Cheaters Detection Ability -- Improvement of Protocol Anomaly Detection Based on Markov Chain and Its Application -- Research and Implementation of Workflow Interoperability Crossing Organizations -- Workshop 6: International Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (MASN 2005) -- LSBE: A Localization Scheme Based on Events for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks -- Crossing Effects Analysis Between Routing and MAC Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- Low-Latency Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Using Finite Horizons -- Energy Usage in Biomimetic Models for Massively-Deployed Sensor Networks -- Probabilistic Behavior of Sensor Network Localization -- Hybrid Authentication and Key Management Scheme for WSANs -- Storage-Optimal Key Sharing with Authentication in Sensor Networks -- Workshop 7: International Workshop on Service Grid Computing and Applications (SGCA 2005) -- An Asynchronous Replica Consistency Model in Data Grid -- Distributed Access Control for Grid Environments Using Trust Management Approach -- Research on Database Access and Integration in UDMGrid -- Resource Allocation Based on Pricing for Grid Computing Environments -- CMSA: A Method for Construction and Maintenance of Semantic Annotations -- NDP2PSim: A NS2-Based Platform for Peer-to-Peer Network Simulations -- Resource Scheduling Scheme for Grid Computing and Its Petri Net Model and Analysis -- The Design and Implementation of Service Adapter in ShanghaiGrid Core -- MCRM System: CIM-Based Multiple Clusters Manager -- Workshop 8: International Workshop on Web Information Systems and Applications (WISA 2005) -- to an Agent-Based Grid Workflow Management System -- An XML Query Mechanism with Ontology Integration -- Implementation of Cooperative Cognition Under Web Environment -- Access Authorization Policy for XML Document Security -- OWL2Jess: A Transformational Implementation of the OWL Semantics -- Security Frameworks for Open LBS Based on Web Services Security Mechanism -- Testing and Fault Diagnosis for Web Application Compatibility Based on Combinatorial Method -- A K-Anonymizing Approach for Preventing Link Attacks in Data Publishing -- Transformation-Driven Development of Composite Web Services -- Badness Information Audit Based onImage Character Filtering -- User's Rough Set Based Fuzzy Interest Model in Mining WWW Cache.
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