Spatial Cognition V [electronic resource] : Reasoning, Action, Interaction / edited by Thomas Barkowsky, Markus Knauff, Gérard Ligozat, Daniel R. Montello.
Contributor(s): Barkowsky, Thomas [editor.]
| Knauff, Markus [editor.]
| Ligozat, Gérard [editor.]
| Montello, Daniel R [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Spatial Reasoning, Human-Robot Interaction, and Assistance -- Reachability and Dependency Calculi: Reasoning in Network Algebras -- The Qualitative Trajectory Calculus on Networks -- Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning in the SparQ-Toolbox -- Remembering Places in Space: A Human Analog Study of the Morris Water Maze -- The Role of Users' Concepts of the Robot in Human-Robot Spatial Instruction -- Collaborative Assistance with Spatio-temporal Planning Problems -- Visuo-Spatial Reasoning and Spatial Dynamics -- Dialog-Based 3D-Image Recognition Using a Domain Ontology -- Protein Structure Prediction with Visuospatial Analogy -- The Spatial Representation of Dynamic Scenes - An Integrative Approach -- Modeling Geospatial Events and Impacts Through Qualitative Change -- Spatial Concepts, Human Memory, and Mental Reasoning -- Preferred Mental Models: How and Why They Are So Important in Human Reasoning with Spatial Relations -- The Spatial and the Visual in Mental Spatial Reasoning: An Ill-Posed Distinction -- Grounded Perceptual Schemas: Developmental Acquisition of Spatial Concepts -- Modeling Human Spatial Memory Within a Symbolic Architecture of Cognition -- Updating in Models of Spatial Memory -- Sensorimotor Interference When Reasoning About Described Environments -- Mechanisms for Human Spatial Competence -- Navigation, Wayfinding, and Route Instructions -- Algorithms for Reliable Navigation and Wayfinding -- Interpreting Route Instructions as Qualitative Spatial Actions -- Knowledge Based Schematization of Route Directions -- Map Use and Wayfinding Strategies in a Multi-building Ensemble -- How Much Information Do You Need? Schematic Maps in Wayfinding and Self Localisation -- Wayfinding Strategies in Behavior and Language: A Symmetric and Interdisciplinary Approach toCognitive Processes -- A Spatial Cognitive Map and a Human-Like Memory Model Dedicated to Pedestrian Navigation in Virtual Urban Environments -- Linguistic and Social Issues in Spatial Knowledge Processing -- The Influence of Scale, Context and Spatial Preposition in Linguistic Topology -- Before or After: Prepositions in Spatially Constrained Systems -- Discourse Factors Influencing Spatial Descriptions in English and German -- Autobahn People: Distance Estimations Between German Cities Biased by Social Factors and the Autobahn.
This is the fifth volume in a series of book publications featuring basic interdisciplinary research in spatial cognition. The study of spatial cognition is the study of knowledge about spatial properties of objects and events in the world. Spatial properties include location, size, distance, direction, separation and connection, shape, pattern, and so on. Cognition is about the structures and processes of knowledge: its acquisition, storage, retrieval, manipulation, and use by humans, nonhuman animals, and machines. Broadly construed, cognitive activities include sensation and perception, thinking, attention, imagery, attitudes, memory, learning, language, and reasoning and problem-solving; the interaction of these activities with motoric (body movement) and affective (emotional) processing is recognized as critically important, as well. Cognition is typically considered to make up much of the activity of the mind. But though the mind is an expression of the structures and processes of the brain and nervous system, it is also an expression of an organism or agent with a physical body that typically exists in a physical and socio-cultural world. Researchers study spatial cognition for several reasons. Spatial cognition plays important roles in most of the domains of knowledge and behavior of sentient beings, including activities associated with biological survival, social interaction, cultural practice, and economic exchange. Attempts to describe, predict, and explain the basic components of spatial cognition and their interrelationships stimulate a host of interesting basic questions about how important parts of reality work.
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