Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications [electronic resource] : Third European Conference, ECMDA-FA 2007, Haifa, Israel, June 11-15, 2007, Proceedings / edited by David Akehurst, Regis Vogel, Richard Paige.
Contributor(s): Akehurst, David [editor.]
| Vogel, Regis [editor.]
| Paige, Richard [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

An Open Source Domain-Specific Tools Framework to Support Model Driven Development of OSS -- Efficient Reasoning About Finite Satisfiability of UML Class Diagrams with Constrained Generalization Sets -- A Practical Approach to Model Extension -- Model Transformation from OWL-S to BPEL Via SiTra -- Improving the Interoperability of Automotive Tools by Raising the Abstraction from Legacy XML Formats to Standardized Metamodels -- Templatable Metamodels for Semantic Variation Points -- Execution of Aspect Oriented UML Models -- An Algebraic View on the Semantics of Model Composition -- Towards the Generation of a Text-Based IDE from a Language Metamodel -- Constraints Modeling for (Profiled) UML Models -- Scenarios of Traceability in Model to Text Transformations -- Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics -- Adopting Model Driven Development in a Large Financial Organization -- Reverse Engineering Models from Traces to Validate Distributed Systems - An Industrial Case Study -- A Model Driven Software Factory Using Domain Specific Languages -- Towards a Model Driven Approach to Automatic BPEL Generation.
Model-driven architecture, and model-driven approaches in general, holds the promise of moving software development towards a higher level of abstraction. Given the challenges in the software industry of delivering more complex fu- tionality with less e?ort, it is not really a question whether model-driven - velopment will succeed, but rather a question of when it will break through. However, before this can happen, there are many challenging problems to c- quer, both theoretical and pragmatic. This requires close collaboration between academic research and industrial application. ThegoaloftheEuropeanConferenceonModel-DrivenArchitecture-Fo- dations and Applications (ECMDA-FA) is to bring together industry and academia to tackle the problems in model-driven development. This volume - cludes nine foundation papers and seven application papers. ECMDA-FA 2007 alsohostedsixworkshopsonboththeoreticalandpracticalaspectsofMDA.F- thermore, the keynote speakers, Stuart Kent from Microsoft and Andy Schur ¨ r from TU Darmstadt, proved that both industry and academia are interested in MDA and its applications. This third ECMDA-FA conference is the result of the work of the authors who submitted a total of 60 papers, the Program Committee members who produced careful and thoughtful reviews under signi?cant time pressures, the people organizing the workshops,and of course the Steering Committee. Several hundreds of people worked hard to make this conference a success. We have the honor of speaking for all these people in this preface and we would like to thank each of them for their valuable contribution. The ECMDA-FA 2007 conference was supported by the European Comm- sion's Information Society Technologies (IST) initiative and by IBM.
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