Digital Heritage [electronic resource] : Third International Euro-Mediterranean Conference, EuroMed 2010, Lemessos, Cyprus, November 8-13, 2010. Proceedings / edited by Marinos Ioannides, Dieter Fellner, Andreas Georgopoulos, Diofantos Hadjimitsis.
Contributor(s): Ioannides, Marinos [editor.]
| Fellner, Dieter [editor.]
| Georgopoulos, Andreas [editor.]
| Hadjimitsis, Diofantos [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

2D and 3D Data Capture Methodologies and Data Processing in Cultural Heritage -- A Processing for Digitizing Historical Architecture -- Calculation Methods for Digital Model Creation Based on Integrated Shape, Color and Angular Reflectivity Measurement -- Automated Processing of Data from 3D Scanning of Cultural Heritage Objects -- From Laser Data to Parametric Models: Towards an Automatic Method for Building Façade Modelling -- New Instruments and Technologies for Cultural Heritage Survey: Full Integration between Point Clouds and Digital Photogrammetry -- Digital Data Acquisition Technologies and Data Processing in Cultural Heritage -- Digital Image Processing in Weathering Damage Analysis and Recovery Treatments Monitoring -- Photogrammetric Measurement of the Classic Marathon Course -- Analysis of Lacunae and Retouching Areas in Panel Paintings Using Landscape Metrics -- Reality-Based 3D Modeling, Segmentation and Web-Based Visualization -- Capture and Processing of High Resolution 3D-Data of Sutra Inscriptions in China -- Long Term Availability of Content and Its Long Term Accessibility -- Same Same But Different - Comparing Rendering Environments for Interactive Digital Objects -- Modeling Procedural Knowledge: A Generative Modeler for Cultural Heritage -- A Publishing Workflow for Cultural Heritage Artifacts from 3D-Reconstruction to Internet Presentation -- 3D Scanning and Modelling of the Bismarck Monument by Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Integration into a 3D City Model of Hamburg -- Use of Geoinformatics for the Digitization and Visualization of Cartographic Heritage: The Case of an Early 1920s Mytilene Town Map -- An Emblematic Bronze from Cyprus the Idalion Project -- Digital Cultural Heritage Applications and Their Impact -- Scotlandsplaces: Accessing Remote DigitalHeritage Datasets Using Web Services -- Assessing the Socio-economic Impact of 3D Visualisation in Cultural Heritage -- Comparative Study of Interactive Systems in a Museum -- Communication of Digital Cultural Heritage in Public Spaces by the Example of Roman Cologne -- Standards, Metadata, Ontologies and Semantic Processing in Cultural Heritage -- Architectural Heritage Online: Ontology-Driven Website Generation for World Heritage Sites in Danger -- The DAF DDI Profile, a Metadata Set to Address Digital Curation and Preservation Issues in Cultural Heritage Institutions -- Annotation of Cultural Heritage Documents Based on XML Dictionaries and Data Clustering -- Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management and Monitoring -- Hyperspectral Ground Truth Data for the Detection of Buried Architectural Remains -- Environmental and Human Risk Assessment of the Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Sites of Western Crete (Greece) with the Use of GIS, Remote Sensing, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks -- 2D and 3D Data Capture Methodologies and Data Processing in Cultural Heritage -- The Digital Archive of Sculptures of Tien-Shen Poo in Early Taiwan History -- E.Stone, an Archive for the Sardinia Monumental Witnesses -- 3D Modelling of the A Famosa Fortress in Melaka, Malaysia -- 3D Digitization and Its Applications in Cultural Heritage -- Interactive Itinerary of Heritage Houses in Beirut: Walking Back to the Future -- Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Valorization in the Governorate of Tartous with Reference to the Euromed IV Project: The Contribution of Geomatics -- 3D-Reconstruction and Virtual Reality in Archaeology -- VISMAN-DHER Project: Integrated Fruition of Archaeological Data through a Scientific Virtual Model -- Teleimmersive Archaeology: Simulation and Cognitive Impact -- Accuracy Verification of Manual 3D CG Reconstruction: Case Study of Destroyed Architectural Heritage, Bam Citadel -- Complementary Approach for Vernacular Wooden Frame Structures Reconstruction -- 2D and 3D in Digital Libraries -- CARARE: Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana -- AEgArOn - Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online -- A Sustainable Repository Infrastructure for Digital Humanities: The DHO Experience -- A Simple Approach to Link 3D Photorealistic Models with Content of Bibliographic Repositories -- e-Libraries and e-Archives in Cultural Heritage -- A Working Environment for Management and Exploitation of Audiovisual Archives - ASA-SHS Project -- Ktisis: Building an Open Access Institutional and Cultural Repository -- 2D and 3D GIS in Cultural Heritage -- Realization of a Cartographic GIS for the Filing and Management of the Archaelogical Excavations in the Nelson's Island -- Seismic Risk Assessment for Historical Town Centers and Their Surroundings Using Geoinformatics: The Case Study of Paphos, Cyprus -- Monitoring Air Pollution in the Vicinity of Cultural Heritage Sites in Cyprus Using Remote Sensing Techniques.
This volume comprises the proceedings of the Third International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2010) on the historical island of Cyprus. The focal point of this conference was digital heritage, which all of us involved in the documentation of cultural heritage continually strive to implement. The excellent selection of papers published in the proceedings reflects in the best possible way the benefits of exploiting modern technological advances for the restoration, preservation and e-documentation of any kind of cultural heritage. Above all, we should always bear in mind that what we do now may be used by people in another century to repair, rebuild or conserve the buildings, monuments, artifacts and landscapes that seem important. Recent events like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, fires and insurrections show that we can never be too prepared for damage to, and loss of, the physical and, non-tangible elements of our past and, in general, our cultural heritage. To reach this ambitious goal, the topics covered included experiences in the use of innovative recording technologies and methods, and how to take best advantage of the results obtained to build up new instruments and improved methodologies for do- menting in multimedia formats, archiving in digital libraries and managing a cultural heritage. Technological advances are very often reported in detail in specialized fora. This volume of proceedings establishes bridges of communication and channels of co- eration between the various disciplines involved in cultural heritage preservation.
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