Current Trends in Web Engineering [electronic resource] : ICWE 2012 International Workshops MDWE, ComposableWeb, WeRE, QWE, and Doctoral Consortium, Berlin, Germany, July 23-27, 2012, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Michael Grossniklaus, Manuel Wimmer.
Contributor(s): Grossniklaus, Michael [editor.]
| Wimmer, Manuel [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

8th International Workshop on Model-Driven and Agile Engineering for the Web (MDWE) -- An Agile Model-Based Framework for Service Innovation for the Future Internet (Invited Paper).- Engineering for Cloud Computing (Web Engineering Forecast: Cloudy with a Chance of Opportunities).- Developing Semantic Rich Internet Applications with the Sm4RIA Extension for OIDE.- A Model-Based Approach for Supporting Aspect-Oriented Development of Personal Information Management Systems.- Model-Driven Development of Social Network Enabled Applications with WebML and Social Primitives.- Model Driven Extraction of the Navigational Concern of Legacy Web Applications.- Model-Driven Testing for Web Applications Using Abstract State Machines.- 4th International Workshop on Lightweight Integration on theWeb (ComposableWeb) -- Understanding Web Augmentation (Invited Paper).- UML2 Profile and Model-Driven Approach for Supporting System Integration and Adaptation of Web Data Mashups.- Extending Web Standards-Based Widgets towards Inter-Widget Communication.- A Mashup Construction Approach for Cooperation of Mobile Devices.- EnglishMash: Usability Design for a Natural Mashup Composition Environment.- visualRSS: A Platform to Mine and Visualise Social Data from RSS Feeds.- Extracting Models from Web API Documentation.- Third Workshop on the Web and Requirements Engineering (WeRE) -- Identifying and Modelling Complex Workflow Requirements in Web Applications.- Requirements Models as First Class Entities in Model-Driven Web Engineering.- How the Web of Things Challenges Requirements Engineering.- Automatic Test Case Generation from Functional Requirements in NDT.- Third International Workshop on Quality in Web Engineering (QWE) -- Reasoning about Knowledge from the Web (Extended Abstract).- Toward the Improvement of a Measurement and Evaluation Strategy from a Comparative Study.- Evaluation and Comparison of Three Open Courseware Based on Quality Criteria.- ICWE 2012 Doctoral Consortium -- Maintenance of Human and Machine Metadata over the Web Content.- End-User-Development and Evolutionof Web Applications: The WebComposition EUD Approach.- A Description-Based Mashup for Cooperation of Mobile Devices.- Model Based Simulation and Evaluation of Mobile and Web 2.0 Applications for Users with Special Needs.- Decision Support for Off-the-Shelf Software Selection in Web Development Projects. An Agile Model-Based Framework for Service Innovation for the Future Internet (Invited Paper).- Engineering for Cloud Computing (Web Engineering Forecast: Cloudy with a Chance of Opportunities).- Developing Semantic Rich Internet Applications with the Sm4RIA Extension for OIDE.- A Model-Based Approach for Supporting Aspect-Oriented Development of Personal Information Management Systems.- Model-Driven Development of Social Network Enabled Applications with WebML and Social Primitives.- Model Driven Extraction of the Navigational Concern of Legacy Web Applications.- Model-Driven Testing for Web Applications Using Abstract State Machines.- 4th International Workshop on Lightweight Integration on theWeb (ComposableWeb).-Understanding Web Augmentation (Invited Paper).- UML2 Profile and Model-Driven Approach for Supporting System Integration and Adaptation of Web Data Mashups.- Extending Web Standards-Based Widgets towards Inter-Widget Communication.- A Mashup Construction Approach for Cooperation of Mobile Devices.- EnglishMash: Usability Design for a Natural Mashup Composition Environment.- visualRSS: A Platform to Mine and Visualise Social Data from RSS Feeds.- Extracting Models from Web API Documentation.- Third Workshop on the Web and Requirements Engineering (WeRE) -- Identifying and Modelling Complex Workflow Requirements in Web Applications.- Requirements Models as First Class Entities in Model-Driven Web Engineering.- How the Web of Things Challenges Requirements Engineering.- Automatic Test Case Generation from Functional Requirements in NDT.- Third International Workshop on Quality in Web Engineering (QWE) -- Reasoning about Knowledge from the Web (Extended Abstract).- Toward the Improvement of a Measurement and Evaluation Strategy from a ComparativeStudy.- Evaluation and Comparison of Three Open Courseware Based on Quality Criteria.- ICWE 2012 Doctoral Consortium -- Maintenance of Human and Machine Metadata over the Web Content.- End-User-Development and Evolution of Web Applications: The WebComposition EUD Approach.- A Description-Based Mashup for Cooperation of Mobile Devices.- Model Based Simulation and Evaluation of Mobile and Web 2.0 Applications for Users with Special Needs.- Decision Support for Off-the-Shelf Software Selection in Web Development Projects. .
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings and the doctoral symposium of the 12th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2012, held in Berlin, Germany, in July 2012. The volume contains four workshops and a doctoral consortium, each focusing on specific research issues that contribute to the main themes of the ICWE conference: MDWE 2012: Eighth International Workshop on Model-Driven and Agile Engineering for the Web, ComposableWeb 2012: Fourth International Workshop on Lightweight Integration on the Web, WeRE 2012: Third Workshop on the Web and Requirements Engineering, QWE 2012: Third International Workshop on Quality in Web Engineering.
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