Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction [electronic resource] : ICCV 2005 Workshop on HCI, Beijing, China, October 21, 2005, Proceedings / edited by Nicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Thomas S. Huang.
Contributor(s): Sebe, Nicu [editor.]
| Lew, Michael S [editor.]
| Huang, Thomas S [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Multimodal Human Computer Interaction: A Survey -- Multimodal Human Computer Interaction: A Survey -- Tracking -- Tracking Body Parts of Multiple People for Multi-person Multimodal Interface -- Articulated Body Tracking Using Dynamic Belief Propagation -- Recover Human Pose from Monocular Image Under Weak Perspective Projection -- A Joint System for Person Tracking and Face Detection -- Interfacing -- Perceptive User Interface, a Generic Approach -- A Vision Based Game Control Method -- Mobile Camera-Based User Interaction -- Event Detection -- Fast Head Tilt Detection for Human-Computer Interaction -- Attention Monitoring Based on Temporal Signal-Behavior Structures -- Action Recognition with Global Features -- 3D Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Motion Templates -- Augmented Reality -- Interactive Point-and-Click Segmentation for Object Removal in Digital Images -- Information Layout and Interaction Techniques on an Augmented Round Table -- On-Line Novel View Synthesis Capable of Handling Multiple Moving Objects -- Hand and Gesture -- Resolving Hand over Face Occlusion -- Real-Time Adaptive Hand Motion Recognition Using a Sparse Bayesian Classifier -- Topographic Feature Mapping for Head Pose Estimation with Application to Facial Gesture Interfaces -- Accurate and Efficient Gesture Spotting via Pruning and Subgesture Reasoning -- Applications -- A Study of Detecting Social Interaction with Sensors in a Nursing Home Environment -- HMM Based Falling Person Detection Using Both Audio and Video -- Appearance Manifold of Facial Expression.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) lies at the crossroads of many scienti?c areas including arti?cial intelligence, computer vision, face recognition, motion tracking, etc. In order for HCI systems to interact seamlessly with people, they need to understand their environment through vision and auditory input. Mo- over, HCI systems should learn how to adaptively respond depending on the situation. The goal of this workshop was to bring together researchers from the ?eld of computer vision whose work is related to human-computer interaction. The selected articles for this workshop address a wide range of theoretical and - plication issues in human-computer interaction ranging from human-robot - teraction, gesture recognition, and body tracking, to facial features analysis and human-computer interaction systems. This year 74 papers from 18 countries were submitted and 22 were accepted for presentation at the workshop after being reviewed by at least 3 members of the Program Committee. We had therefore a very competitive acceptance rate of less than 30% and as a consequence we had a very-high-quality workshop. Wewouldliketo thankallmembersofthe ProgramCommitteefor their help in ensuring the quality of the papers accepted for publication. We are grateful to Dr. Jian Wang for giving the keynote address. In addition, we wish to thank the organizers of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and our sponsors, University of Amsterdam, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for support in setting up our workshop.
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