Buliga, Oana.

Measures for Innovating Business Models An Empirical Study of German SMEs / [electronic resource] : by Oana Buliga. - XIII, 74 p. 26 illus. online resource. - BestMasters . - BestMasters .

Business Model Innovation -- Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises -- Implementation of Business Model Innovations.

The literature on business model innovation mainly regards large enterprises and is not tailored to SME characteristics. Oana Buliga takes an exploratory look at whether SMEs use strategies which are mainly designed for large enterprises for innovating their business models. The results show that SMEs generally follow successful innovations of large enterprises. Another main finding is that SMEs innovate intuitively: from common sense changes to bold innovations, which severely reshape the value creation systems on the whole. Yet, business model innovation is still a rather ambiguous term and depends on what is considered to be the industry-standard.  Contents Business Model Innovation Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Implementation of Business Model Innovations Target Groups Researchers and students in the field of economic sciences with a focus on strategic management and innovation SME managers The Author Oana Buliga is a research associate at the Chair of Industrial Management (Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt), Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-N�urnberg. Her research interests are business model innovation and social business.


10.1007/978-3-658-05535-6 doi

Management science.
Small business.
Industrial management.
Business and Management.
Small Business.
Innovation/Technology Management.
Business and Management, general.

