Basic Earthquake Engineering From Seismology to Analysis and Design / [electronic resource] :
by Hal�uk Sucuoğlu, Sinan Akkar.
- XIV, 288 p. 245 illus., 23 illus. in color. online resource.
Nature of Earthquakes -- Seismic Hazard Assessment -- Response of Simple Structures to Earthquake Ground Motions -- Earthquake Design Spectra -- Response of Building Frames to Earthquake Ground Motions -- Analysis Procedures and Seismic Design Principles for Building Structures -- Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures.
This book provides senior undergraduate students, master students and structural engineers who do not have a background in the field with core knowledge of structural earthquake engineering that will be invaluable in their professional lives. The basics of seismotectonics, including the causes, magnitude, and intensity of earthquakes, are first explained. Then the book introduces basic elements of seismic hazard analysis and presents the concept of a seismic hazard map for use in seismic design. Subsequent chapters cover key aspects of the response analysis of simple systems and building structures to earthquake ground motions, design spectrum, the adoption of seismic analysis procedures in seismic design codes, seismic design principles and seismic design of reinforced concrete structures. Helpful worked examples on seismic analysis of linear, nonlinear and base isolated buildings, earthquake-resistant design of frame and frame-shear wall systems are included, most of which can be solved using a hand calculator.