Ultimate limit state analysis and design of plated structures /
Jeom Kee Paik.
- 2nd edition.
- 1 online resource
Includes index.
Principles of Limit State Design -- Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Plate-Stiffener Combinations -- Elastic and Inelastic Buckling Strength of Plates Under Complex Circumstances -- Large-Deflection and Ultimate Strength Behavior of Plates -- Elastic and Inelastic Buckling Strength of Stiffened Panels and Grillages -- Large-Deflection and Ultimate Strength Behavior of Stiffened Panels and Grillages -- Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Plate Assemblies -- Ultimate Strength of Ship Hull Structures -- Structural Fracture Mechanics -- Structural Impact Mechanics -- The Incremental Galerkin Method -- The Nonlinear Finite Element Method -- The Intelligent Supersize Finite Element Method -- Appendices -- Index.