Introduction - The Buzz about IoT and IoE. Introduction - The Buzz about IoT and IoE -- Introduction -- The (Overly) Vast World of IoT -- Why a Connectable Thing? -- Constraints Surrounding an IoT Project. Constraints Surrounding an IoT Project -- Aspects to be Taken into Consideration -- Financial and Marketing Aspects -- Technical and Industrial Aspects -- Regulatory and Normative Aspects -- Security Aspects -- Overall Architecture of the IoT Chain. Overall Architecture of the IoT Chain -- Communication Models in IoT -- Overall Architecture of an IoT System -- Detailed Description of the IoT Chain. Detailed Description of the IoT Chain -- From the Outside World to the Thing -- The Secure Connected Thing -- Means of Communication to Access a Base Station -- Network Access Layer - IP -- The Server -- Transport and Messaging Protocols -- Cloud and Fog Computing -- Concrete Realization of an IoT Solution Examples and Costs. Concrete Realization of an IoT Solution Examples and Costs -- Examples of the Concrete Realization of Connected Things -- Cost Aspects -- Conclusion.