Formation control of multi-agent systems : a graph rigidity approach /
Marcio de Queiroz, Xiaoyu Cai, Matthew Feemster.
- 1 online resource
- Wiley series in dynamics and control of electromechanical systems .
- Wiley series in dynamics and control of electromechanical systems. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction -- Single-integrator model -- Double-integrator model -- Robotic vehicle model -- Experimentation.
Uses the concept of graph rigidity as the basis for describing the multi-agent formation geometry and solving formation control problems. Considers different agent models and formation control problems. Control designs throughout the book progressively build upon each other. Provides a primer on rigid graph theory. Combines theory, computer simulations, and experimental results Market description: Primary: Researchers and practitioners working in the areas of control systems, robotics and multi-agent systems. Secondary: Graduate students in control systems, robotics, and multi-agent systems"--