Oxide nanostructures : growth, microstructures, and properties /
edited by Avanish Kumar Srivastava.
- 1 online resource
1. Metal oxide nanomaterials : an overview / Kajal Kumar Dey and Avanish Kumar Srivastava -- 2. Pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured oxides for emerging applications / Carlo S. Casari and Andrea Li Bassi -- 3. Metastable phase selection and low-temperature plasticity in chemically synthesized amorphous Al2O3-ZrO2 and Al2O3-Y2O3 / Ashutosh S. Gandhi, Arindam Paul, Shailendra Singh Shekhawat, Umesh Waghmare, and Vikram Jayaram -- 4. Porous and hollow oxide nanostructures : synthesis, stability and applications / Erumpukuthickal Ashokkumar Anumol and Narayanan Ravishankar -- 5. Doped tin oxide nanomaterials for chlorine and hydrogen gas detection / Allen Chaparadza, Hoang Tran, and Shankar B. Rananavare -- 6. Titanium oxide nano- and submicron-structured coating for Ti and Ti-related bio-implants / Shampa Aich and Banasri Roy -- 7. Metal oxide nanostructured films for photovoltaic applications / S.K. Tripathi -- 8. Nanostructured materials as nanoprobes for bioimaging applications / S.D. Geethanjali and A. Vadivel Murugan -- 9. Band energy and crystal structure employing density functional theory / Piyush Dua and Avanish Kumar Srivastava -- 10. Paramagnetic lattice defects in natural crystalline quartz / Shin Toyoda -- 11. ZnO nanoparticles : defect structure, space-charge depletion layer, and core-shell model / Emre Erdem and Rudiger-A. Eichel.