chapter 1 Introduction -- of technology. However, a of metallic materials (and of other materials too!) is the deterio- -- chapter 2 Aqueous Corrosion: Fundamentals -- 2.1 ELECTROCHEMICAL NATURE OF AQUEOUS CORROSION of all corrosion pro- -- chapter =Ita -- of the metal, and 2.3.1 Exchange Current Density / chapter 0.76 V -- of polarization, i.e., activation polarization and of a slow step in the electrode reaction for of the order of 0.1 V of the above equation, as applied to hydrogen evo- of 0.1 Vis shown in Fig. 2.12. It can be noted -- chapter If a -- metal exhibiting passivity, e.g., iron in l N H2so •• is anodically polarized of the curve shows an increase in potential in the positive -- chapter 't\ -- chapter 3 Aqueous Corrosion: Forms -- 3.1 CLASSIFICATION OF AQUEOUS CORROSION of metaJs and alloys takes place in a variety of environments -- chapter lnttrgranutar corrosion -- chapter (a).• -- Figure 3.20 (a) Step structure from electrolytic-oxalic acid etch test in solution-an- of sensitization. No such peak is observed for unsensitized 3.6.4 Other Alloys -- chapter (a) (b) -- of vacancies into the interior of the alloy, thereby aiding in diffu- -- chapter t----1 -- •• E-C Figure 3.29 Erosion corrosion of lead by 10% sulfuric acid flowing at 39 ft/s. Cross- 3.8.2 Metallurgical Factors -- chapter )t u Ktscc -- t: I I -- chapter g. , -- chapter i60 . .. -- chapter 3 10.1 Microbiological Corrosion -- of bacteria have been identified that aggravate corrosion of metals of air. They survive under a wide range of (0-50°C) and pH (3-10). The important microorganisms contribut- -- chapter 4 Aqueous Corrosion: Prevention -- of corrosion have been pre- of environment -- chapter MATERIAL SELECTION -- of materials for corrosion applications. The most of its of their excel- -- chapter t-- ·-·-- -- '\ -- chapter 5 Tarnishing and Scaling Processes -- of the reaction behavior can be achieved only / chapter 5 2 THERMODYNAMIC ASPECTS OF METAL-SINGLE -- OXIDANT SYSTEMS of a metallic component exposed of affinity of the metal to oxidizing gases, which leads to its degradation of some compounds with the oxidant. For judging of Gibbs' free energy change for the total reac- of metal oxide (M0), whereas if is positive, of the oxidant, thereby leading of the oxide. But thermodynamics deals with the -- chapter = = = -- M/M0and M02/02 can estimated. of single / chapter ~ ---.--- -- chapter 5 4.5 Rules for Writing Defect Reaction -- of defect formation reaction, it is essential to have mass of the law of mass action. Use of this law implies the of Boltzmann statistics, i.e., random distribution of defects are con- Null= of unit activity. Under the situation of 0 << 1, Henry's law is applicable. However, it is convenient to use concentration of number of defect per cubic meter of the crystal represented by exp( (5.8) exp( A F is the Faraday constant (96,500 coulombs/equivalent) n is the number of equivalents exchanged t is the time in seconds -- metal oxidation, tarnishing, and scaling are used -- RT In P P values at -- ZrOz -- --,;;r- -- acid .fluxing. basic fluxing. Figure 6.30 pso) according to the reaction: -- ---'v-- --
"This highly practical reference presents for the first time in a single volume all types of environmental degradation a metallic compound may undergo during its processing, storage, and service. Clarifying general and localized corrosion effects, Environmental Degradation of Metals describes the effects of atmospheric exposure, high-temperature gases, soil, water, weak and strong chemicals, liquid metals, and nuclear radiation. It determines whether corrosion can occur under a given set of conditions, shows how improvements in component design can reduce corrosion, and details the high- and low-temperature effects of oxidizing agents. The book also investigates the instantaneous and delayed failure of solid metal in contact with liquid metal, highlights the influence of hydrogen on metal, and profiles radiation effects on metal."--Provided by publisher.