Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Verification 8th International Symposium, ISoLA 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, November 5-9, 2018, Proceedings, Part II / [electronic resource] : edited by Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen. - 1st ed. 2018. - XIII, 496 p. 178 illus., 85 illus. in color. online resource. - Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 11245 2512-2029 ; . - Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 11245 .

A Broader View on Verification: From Static to Runtime and Back (Track Summary) -- Monitoring Hyperproperties by Combining Static Analysis and Runtime Verification -- Temporal Reasoning on Incomplete Paths -- Towards a Notion of Coverage for Incomplete Program-Correctness Proofs -- Generating Inductive Shape Predicates for Runtime Checking and Formal Verification -- Runtime Assertion Checking and Static Verification: Collaborative Partners -- A Language-Independent Program Verification Framework -- Programming Safe Robotics Systems: Challenges and Advances -- Generating Component Interfaces by Integrating Static and Symbolic Analysis, Learning, and Runtime Monitoring -- Evaluating Tools for Software Verification (Track Introduction) -- Strategy Selection for Software Verification Based on Boolean Features: A Simple but Effective Approach -- Symbolic Execution and Deductive Verification Approaches to VerifyThis 2017 Challenges -- Runtime and Memory Evaluation of Data Race DetectionTools -- In-Place vs. Copy-on-Write CEGAR Refinement for Block Summarization with Caching -- Deductive Verification of Unmodified Linux Kernel Library Functions -- Synthesizing Subtle Bugs with Known Witnesses -- Statistical Model Checking, The 2018 edition! -- Chasing Errors using Biasing Automata -- On the Sequential Massart Algorithm for Statistical Model Checking -- Quantitative risk assessment of safety-critical systems via guided simulation for rare events -- Monte Carlo Tree Search for Verifying Reachability in Markov Decision Processes -- Lightweight Statistical Model Checking in Nondeterministic Continuous Time -- Statistical Model-Checking of Incomplete Stochastic Systems -- Statistical Model Checking a Moving Block Railway Signalling Scenario with Uppaal SMC -- Mitigating Security Risks through Attack Strategies Exploration -- Statistical Model Checking of Processor Systems in Various Interrupt Scenarios -- RERS 2018: CTL, LTL, and Reachability -- Track Introduction - Doctoral Symposium 2018 -- Assuring Intelligent Ambient Assisted Living Solutions by Statistical Model Checking -- Implementation of Privacy Calculus and its Type Checking in Maude.

The four-volume set LNCS 11244, 11245, 11246, and 11247 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, ISoLA 2018, held in Limassol, Cyprus, in October/November 2018. The papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. Each volume focusses on an individual topic with topical section headings within the volume: Part I, Modeling: Towards a unified view of modeling and programming; X-by-construction, STRESS 2018. Part II, Verification: A broader view on verification: from static to runtime and back; evaluating tools for software verification; statistical model checking; RERS 2018; doctoral symposium. Part III, Distributed Systems: rigorous engineering of collective adaptive systems; verification and validation of distributed systems; and cyber-physical systems engineering. Part IV, Industrial Practice: runtime verificationfrom the theory to the industry practice; formal methods in industrial practice - bridging the gap; reliable smart contracts: state-of-the-art, applications, challenges and future directions; and industrial day. .


10.1007/978-3-030-03421-4 doi

Software engineering.
Compilers (Computer programs).
Artificial intelligence.
Computer science.
Computer engineering.
Computer networks .
Software Engineering.
Compilers and Interpreters.
Artificial Intelligence.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Engineering and Networks.
The Computing Profession.

