Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2005 International Conference, Singapore, May 9-12. 2005, Proceedings, Part III / [electronic resource] : edited by Osvaldo Gervasi, Marina L. Gavrilova, Vipin Kumar, Antonio Laganą, Heow Pueh Lee, Youngson Mun, David Taniar, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan. - 1st ed. 2005. - CXXXII, 1342 p. online resource. - Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 3482 2512-2029 ; . - Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 3482 .

Grid Computing and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Systems Workshop -- Spatial Analysis and GIS: Local or Global? Workshop -- Computer Graphics and Rendering Workshop -- Data Mining and Bioinformatics Workshop -- Parallel and Distribuited Computing Workshop -- Symbolic Computation, SC 2005 Workshop -- Specific Aspects of Computational Physics for Modeling Suddenly-Emerging Phenomena Workshop -- Internet Comunications Security (WICS) Workshop -- Component Based Software Engineering and Software Process Model Workshop -- Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling (TSCG 2005) Workshop -- Methodology of Information Engineering Workshop.

The four volume set assembled following The 2005 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2005, held in Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore, from 9 May 2005 till 12 May 2005, represents the ?ne collection of 540 refereed papers selected from nearly 2,700 submissions. Computational Science has ?rmly established itself as a vital part of many scienti?c investigations, a?ecting researchers and practitioners in areas ranging from applications such as aerospace and automotive, to emerging technologies such as bioinformatics and nanotechnologies, to core disciplines such as ma- ematics, physics, and chemistry. Due to the shear size of many challenges in computational science, the use of supercomputing, parallel processing, and - phisticated algorithms is inevitable and becomes a part of fundamental t- oretical research as well as endeavors in emerging ?elds. Together, these far reaching scienti?c areas contribute to shape this Conference in the realms of state-of-the-art computational science research and applications, encompassing the facilitating theoretical foundations and the innovative applications of such results in other areas.


10.1007/b136271 doi

Computer science.
Software engineering.
Numerical analysis.
Computer networks .
Computer simulation.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Science.
Software Engineering.
Numerical Analysis.
Computer Communication Networks.
Computer Modelling.

