Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2005 6th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Bangalore, India, December 10-12, 2005, Proceedings / [electronic resource] :
edited by Subhamoy Maitra, C.E. Veni Madhavan, Ramarathnam Venkatesan.
- 1st ed. 2005.
- XIV, 420 p. online resource.
- Security and Cryptology, 3797 2946-1863 ; .
- Security and Cryptology, 3797 .
Invited Talk -- Abelian Varieties and Cryptography -- Sequences -- Proof of a Conjecture on the Joint Linear Complexity Profile of Multisequences -- Period of Streamcipher Edon80 -- Boolean Function and S-Box -- On the Algebraic Immunity of Symmetric Boolean Functions -- On Highly Nonlinear S-Boxes and Their Inability to Thwart DPA Attacks -- Hash Functions -- How to Construct Universal One-Way Hash Functions of Order r -- Towards Optimal Double-Length Hash Functions -- Design Principles -- Near Optimal Algorithms for Solving Differential Equations of Addition with Batch Queries -- Design Principles for Combiners with Memory -- Cryptanalysis I -- Cryptanalysis of the Quadratic Generator -- Attack the Dragon -- Two Algebraic Attacks Against the F-FCSRs Using the IV Mode -- Cryptanalysis of Keystream Generator by Decimated Sample Based Algebraic and Fast Correlation Attacks -- Time Memory Trade-Off -- TMD-Tradeoff and State Entropy Loss Considerations of Streamcipher MICKEY -- Time-Memory Trade-Offs: False Alarm Detection Using Checkpoints -- Cryptanalysis II -- Cryptanalysis of Barni et al. Watermarking Scheme -- Completion Attacks and Weak Keys of Oleshchuk's Public Key Cryptosystem -- New Constructions -- An Optimal Subset Cover for Broadcast Encryption -- MaTRU: A New NTRU-Based Cryptosystem -- Anonymous Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange -- Pairings -- Faster Pairings Using an Elliptic Curve with an Efficient Endomorphism -- Reconsideration on the Security of the Boneh-Franklin Identity-Based Encryption Scheme -- Signatures -- Short Undeniable Signatures Without Random Oracles: The Missing Link -- Short Threshold Signature Schemes Without Random Oracles -- Applications -- Attacking an Asynchronous Multi-party Contract Signing Protocol -- Fairness and Correctness in Case of a Premature Abort.-E-Cash -- Short E-Cash -- A Universally Composable Scheme for Electronic Cash -- Implementations -- Energy-Privacy Trade-Offs in VLSI Computations -- Modified Serial Multipliers for Type-IV Gaussian Normal Bases -- Scalar Multiplication on Elliptic Curves Defined over Fields of Small Odd Characteristic -- SCA Resistant Parallel Explicit Formula for Addition and Doubling of Divisors in the Jacobian of Hyperelliptic Curves of Genus 2.
10.1007/11596219 doi
Cryptography. Data encryption (Computer science). Coding theory. Information theory. Algorithms. Computer science--Mathematics. Discrete mathematics. Operating systems (Computers). Computer networks . Cryptology. Coding and Information Theory. Algorithms. Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science. Operating Systems. Computer Communication Networks.