Algorithms - ESA 2006 14th Annual European Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, September 11-13, 2006, Proceedings / [electronic resource] : edited by Yossi Azar, Thomas Erlebach. - 1st ed. 2006. - XVIII, 850 p. online resource. - Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 4168 2512-2029 ; . - Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 4168 .

Invited Lectures -- Origami, Linkages, and Polyhedra: Folding with Algorithms -- Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing -- Some Computational Challenges in Today's Bio-medicine -- Contributed Papers: Design and Analysis Track -- Kinetic Collision Detection for Convex Fat Objects -- Dynamic Connectivity for Axis-Parallel Rectangles -- Single Machine Precedence Constrained Scheduling Is a Vertex Cover Problem -- Cooperative TSP -- Fréchet Distance for Curves, Revisited -- Resource Allocation in Bounded Degree Trees -- Dynamic Algorithms for Graph Spanners -- Latency Constrained Aggregation in Sensor Networks -- Competitive Analysis of Flash-Memory Algorithms -- Contention Resolution with Heterogeneous Job Sizes -- Deciding Relaxed Two-Colorability-A Hardness Jump -- Negative Examples for Sequential Importance Sampling of Binary Contingency Tables -- Estimating Entropy over Data Streams -- Necklaces, Convolutions, and X + Y -- Purely Functional Worst Case Constant Time Catenable Sorted Lists -- Taxes for Linear Atomic Congestion Games -- Spanners with Slack -- Compressed Indexes for Approximate String Matching -- Traversing the Machining Graph -- Efficient Computation of Nash Equilibria for Very Sparse Win-Lose Bimatrix Games -- Distributed Almost Exact Approximations for Minor-Closed Families -- Spectral Clustering by Recursive Partitioning -- Finite Termination of "Augmenting Path" Algorithms in the Presence of Irrational Problem Data -- Dynamic Programming and Fast Matrix Multiplication -- Near-Entropy Hotlink Assignments -- Subspace Sampling and Relative-Error Matrix Approximation: Column-Row-Based Methods -- Finding Total Unimodularity in Optimization Problems Solved by Linear Programs -- Preemptive Online Scheduling: Optimal Algorithms for All Speeds -- On the Complexity of theMultiplication Method for Monotone CNF/DNF Dualization -- Lower and Upper Bounds on FIFO Buffer Management in QoS Switches -- Graph Coloring with Rejection -- A Doubling Dimension Threshold ?(loglogn) for Augmented Graph Navigability -- Violator Spaces: Structure and Algorithms -- Region-Restricted Clustering for Geographic Data Mining -- An O(n 3 (loglogn/logn)5/4) Time Algorithm for All Pairs Shortest Paths -- Cheating by Men in the Gale-Shapley Stable Matching Algorithm -- Approximating Almost All Instances of Max-Cut Within a Ratio Above the Håstad Threshold -- Enumerating Spanning and Connected Subsets in Graphs and Matroids -- Less Hashing, Same Performance: Building a Better Bloom Filter -- A Unified Approach to Approximating Partial Covering Problems -- Navigating Low-Dimensional and Hierarchical Population Networks -- Popular Matchings in the Capacitated House Allocation Problem -- Inner-Product Based Wavelet Synopses for Range-Sum Queries -- Approximation in Preemptive Stochastic Online Scheduling -- Greedy in Approximation Algorithms -- I/O-Efficient Undirected Shortest Paths with Unbounded Edge Lengths -- Stochastic Shortest Paths Via Quasi-convex Maximization -- Path Hitting in Acyclic Graphs -- Minimum Transversals in Posi-modular Systems -- An LP-Designed Algorithm for Constraint Satisfaction -- Approximate k-Steiner Forests Via the Lagrangian Relaxation Technique with Internal Preprocessing -- Balancing Applied to Maximum Network Flow Problems -- Contributed Papers: Engineering and Applications Track -- Out-of-Order Event Processing in Kinetic Data Structures -- Kinetic Algorithms Via Self-adjusting Computation -- Parallel Machine Scheduling Through Column Generation: Minimax Objective Functions -- Reporting Flock Patterns -- On Exact Algorithms for Treewidth -- An ImprovedConstruction for Counting Bloom Filters -- An MINLP Solution Method for a Water Network Problem -- Skewed Binary Search Trees -- Algorithmic Aspects of Proportional Symbol Maps -- Does Path Cleaning Help in Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Paths? -- Multiline Addressing by Network Flow -- The Engineering of a Compression Boosting Library: Theory vs Practice in BWT Compression -- The Price of Resiliency: A Case Study on Sorting with Memory Faults -- How Branch Mispredictions Affect Quicksort -- Robust, Generic and Efficient Construction of Envelopes of Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Spaces -- Engineering Highway Hierarchies -- Univariate Polynomial Real Root Isolation: Continued Fractions Revisited -- Exact and Efficient Construction of Planar Minkowski Sums Using the Convolution Method.


10.1007/11841036 doi

Software engineering.
Numerical analysis.
Computer science--Mathematics.
Discrete mathematics.
Artificial intelligence--Data processing.
Computer networks .
Software Engineering.
Numerical Analysis.
Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science.
Data Science.
Computer Communication Networks.

