Coordination Models and Languages 8th International Conference, COORDINATION 2006, Bologna, Italy, June 14-16, 2006, Proceedings / [electronic resource] : edited by Paolo Ciancarini, Herbert Wiklicky. - 1st ed. 2006. - VIII, 299 p. online resource. - Programming and Software Engineering, 4038 2945-9168 ; . - Programming and Software Engineering, 4038 .

Stochastic Reasoning About Channel-Based Component Connectors -- Atomic Commit and Negotiation in Service Oriented Computing -- Synthesizing Concurrency Control Components from Process Algebraic Specifications -- Automated Evaluation of Coordination Approaches -- Choreography and Orchestration Conformance for System Design -- Workflow Patterns in Orc -- Evolution On-the-Fly with Paradigm -- Formalising Business Process Execution with Bigraphs and Reactive XML -- Enabling Ubiquitous Coordination Using Application Sessions -- A WSDL-Based Type System for WS-BPEL -- Managing Ad-Hoc Networks Through the Formal Specification of Service Requirements -- A Logical View of Choreography -- Using Lime to Support Replication for Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- Coordinating Computation with Communication -- Distributed Workflow upon Linkable Coordination Artifacts -- Actors, Roles and Coordinators - A Coordination Model for Open Distributed and Embedded Systems -- Tuple Space Coordination Across Space and Time -- Compositional Semantics of an Actor-Based Language Using Constraint Automata.


10.1007/11767954 doi

Computer systems.
Compilers (Computer programs).
Software engineering.
Computers, Special purpose.
Computer programming.
Computer science.
Computer System Implementation.
Compilers and Interpreters.
Software Engineering.
Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems.
Programming Techniques.
Theory of Computation.

