Testing of Communicating Systems 17th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 International Conference, TestCom 2005, Montreal, Canada, May 31 - June 2, 2005, Proceedings / [electronic resource] :
edited by Ferhat Khendek, Rachida Dssouli.
- 1st ed. 2005.
- X, 380 p. online resource.
- Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications, 3502 2945-9184 ; .
- Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications, 3502 .
The Epistemology of Validation and Verification Testing -- Passive Testing - A Constrained Invariant Checking Approach -- Dependence Testing: Extending Data Flow Testing with Control Dependence -- Comparing Bug Finding Tools with Reviews and Tests -- Cross-Language Functional Testing for Middleware -- Using Anti-Ant-like Agents to Generate Test Threads from the UML Diagrams -- Action Refinement in Conformance Testing -- Multiplexing of Partially Ordered Events -- Testing Communicating Systems: a Model, a Methodology, and a Tool -- Coping with Nondeterminism in Network Protocol Testing -- Eliminating Redundant Tests in a Checking Sequence -- On FSM-Based Fault Diagnosis -- State Identification Problems for Timed Automata -- Timing Fault Models for Systems with Multiple Timers -- An Expressive and Implementable Formal Framework for Testing Real-Time Systems -- Firewall Conformance Testing -- Test Generation for Interaction Detection in Feature-Rich Communication Systems -- Fault Detection of Hierarchical Networks with Probabilistic Testing Algorithms -- Detecting Trapdoors in Smart Cards Using Timing and Power Analysis -- From U2TP Models to Executable Tests with TTCN-3 - An Approach to Model Driven Testing - -- Using TTCN-3 for Testing Platform Independent Models -- Some Lessons from an Experiment Using TTCN-3 for the RIPng Testing -- A Model-Based Approach for Robustness Testing -- Content-Level Conformance Testing: An Information Mapping Case Study -- Quiescence Management Improves Interoperability Testing.
10.1007/b136676 doi
Software engineering. Computer networks . Software Engineering. Computer Communication Networks.