Coordination Models and Languages 7th International Conference, COORDINATION 2005, Namur, Belgium, April 20-23, 2005, Proceedings / [electronic resource] : edited by Jean-Marie Jacquet, Gian Pietro Picco. - 1st ed. 2005. - X, 299 p. online resource. - Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, 3454 2946-1642 ; . - Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, 3454 .

A Case Study of Web Services Orchestration -- A Correct Abstract Machine for Safe Ambients -- A Process Calculus for QoS-Aware Applications -- Abstract Interpretation-Based Verification of Non-functional Requirements -- Coordination Systems in Role-Based Adaptive Software -- Coordination with Multicapabilities -- Delegation Modeling with Paradigm -- Dynamically Adapting Tuple Replication for Managing Availability in a Shared Data Space -- Enforcing Distributed Information Flow Policies Architecturally: The SAID Approach -- Experience Using a Coordination-Based Architecture for Adaptive Web Content Provision -- Global Computing in a Dynamic Network of Tuple Spaces -- Mobile Agent Based Fault-Tolerance Support for the Reliable Mobile Computing Systems -- Preserving Architectural Properties in Multithreaded Code Generation -- Prioritized and Parallel Reactions in Shared Data Space Coordination Languages -- Synchronized Hyperedge Replacement for Heterogeneous Systems -- Synthesis of Reo Circuits for Implementation of Component-Connector Automata Specifications -- Tagged Sets: A Secure and Transparent Coordination Medium -- Time-Aware Coordination in ReSpecT -- Transactional Aspects in Semantic Based Discovery of Services.


10.1007/b135676 doi

Software engineering.
Computer networks .
Computer programming.
Computer science.
Artificial intelligence.
Software Engineering.
Computer Communication Networks.
Programming Techniques.
Theory of Computation.
Artificial Intelligence.

