Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage [electronic resource] : 10th International Conference, SpaCCS 2017, Guangzhou, China, December 12-15, 2017, Proceedings / edited by Guojun Wang, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Zheng Yan, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo.
Contributor(s): Wang, Guojun [editor.]
| Atiquzzaman, Mohammed [editor.]
| Yan, Zheng [editor.]
| Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond [editor.]
| SpringerLink (Online service)
Material type: 

Optimized Analysis Based on Improved Mutation and Crossover Operator for Differential Evolution Algorithm -- Revisiting Localization Attacks in Mobile App People-Nearby Services -- Lengthening Unidimensional Continuous-variable Quantum Key Distribution with Noiseless Linear Amplifier -- Research on Internet of Vehicles' Privacy Protection Based on Tamper-Proof with Ciphertext -- An Attack to an Anonymous Certi cateless Group Key Agreement Scheme and its Improvement -- A Space Effcient Algorithm for LCIS Problem -- Improving the Efficiency of Dynamic Programming in Big Data Computing -- Traceable and Complete Fine-Grained Revocable Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Social Network -- The All Seeing Eye: Web to App Intercommunication for Session Fingerprinting in Android -- An Efficient Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption Scheme for the Key Escrow -- An Improved Pre-Copy Transmission Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing -- Motivation of DDOS Attack-Aware Link Assignment between Switches to SDN Controllers -- TIM: A Trust Insurance Mechanism for Network Function Virtualization Based on Trusted Computing -- Personalized Semantic Location Privacy Preservation Algorithm Based on Query Processing Cost Optimization -- Smartphone Bloatware: An Overlooked Privacy Problem -- An ECC-Based off-line Anonymous Grouping-proof Protocol -- PCSD: A Tool for Android Malware Detection -- Authorship Analysis of Social Media Contents Using Tone and Personality Features -- Privacy-Preserving Handover Authentication Protocol from Lightweight Identity-Based Signature for Wireless Networks -- Spatial Outlier Information Hiding Algorithm Based on Complex Transformation -- A Reputation Model Considering Repurchase Behavior and Mechanism Design to Promote Repurchase -- Chinese Named Entity Recognition Based on B-LSTM Neural Network with Additional Features -- Amplified Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Privacypreserving Distributed Service Recommendation -- Learn to Accelerate Identifying New TestCases in Fuzzing -- Service Selection Based on User Privacy Risk Evaluation -- An Efficient Lattice-Based Proxy Signature with Message Recovery -- FABAC: A Flexible Fuzzy Attribute-Based Access Control Mechanism -- Security Analysis and Improvement of An Anonymous Attribute-Based Proxy Re-encryption -- Relacha: Using Associative Meaning for Image Captcha Understandability -- Identification of Natural Images and Computer Generated Graphics Based on Multiple LBPs in Multicolor Spaces -- A Formal Android Permission Model Based on the B Method -- S-SurF: An Enhanced Secure Bulk Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks -- MCloud: Efficient Monitoring Framework for Cloud Computing Platforms -- Secure Vibration Control of Flexible Arms based on Operators' Behaviors -- A New Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on Chaotic Hénon Map and Lü System -- A Distributed Authentication Protocol using Identity-based Encryption and Blockchain for LEO Network -- A Detection System for Distributed DoS Attacks Based on Automatic Extraction of Normal Mode and Its Performance Evaluation -- A Unified Model for Detecting Privacy Leakage on Android -- Multi-party Security Computation with Differential Privacy Over Outsourced Data -- REW-SMT: A New Approach for Rewriting XACML Request with Dynamic Big Data Security Policies -- Decoupling Security Services from IaaS Cloud Through Remote Virtual Machine Introspection -- Privacy Preserving Hierarchical Clustering over Multi-Party Data Distribution -- Improving MQTT by Inclusion of Usage Control -- Using JSON to Specify Privacy Preserving-enabled Attribute-based Access Control Policies -- Comprehensive Diversity in Recommender Systems -- Towards Intelligent System Wide Information Management for Air Traffic Management -- A Security Risk Management Model for Cloud Computing Systems: Infrastructure As A Service. .
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage, SpaCCS 2017, held in Guangzhou, China, in December 2017. The 47 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 140 submissions. They deal with research findings, achievements, innovations and perspectives in information security and related fields covering topics such as security algorithms and architectures, privacy-aware policies, regulations and techniques, anonymous computation and communication, encompassing fundamental theoretical approaches, practical experimental projects, and commercial application systems for computation, communication and storage.
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