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Instrument engineers' handbook. Process software and digital networks / Bela G. Liptak, editor-in-chief ; Halit Eren, volume editor.

Contributor(s): Eren, Halit | Liptak, Bela G.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, 2012Edition: Fourth edition.Description: 1 online resource.ISBN: 9781315217093; 9781315217093; 9781351824293.Subject(s): Measuring instruments -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | Process control -- Handbooks, manuals, etcAdditional physical formats: Print version: : No titleDDC classification: 670.427 Online resources: Click here to view.
Partial contents:
v. 3. 1. Process control and automation ; 2. Process-control methods ; 3. Digital techniques and data handling ; 4. Software, programming, and simulations ; 5. Networks, security, and protection ; 6. Fieldbus networks ; 7. Process management, maintenance, safety, and reliability ; 8. Process control and automation applications.
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