Coastal stabilization [electronic resource] / Richard Silvester, John R.C. Hsu.
By: Silvester, Richard
Contributor(s): Hsu, John R. C
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Mode of access: World Wide Web.
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
"This book discusses coastal defense measures, which have not improved in the past few decades, and better alternatives. It emphasizes on the existence of stable bays in coastal geomorphology and their use in coastal stabilization. The conventional measures for saving beaches, such as seawalls, groins, offshore breakwaters, and renourishment, are discussed in detail, followed by an alternative known as headland control. Many types of coast, and the respective defense measures, are discussed, especially for eroding beaches downcoast of harbors with long breakwaters. The formation of offshore bars during storms is examined and the design of stable recreational beaches is demonstrated. Practical design problems are discussed in all cases. Many issues requiring attention in coastal engineering are also outlined."--Publisher's website.
Waves. Wave forecasting ; Wave transformations -- Beach processes. Wave climate ; Lateral movement in surf zone ; Effects of tides ; Estuarine conditions ; Shingle beaches -- Engineering aspects of coastal geomorphology. Crenulate shaped bays ; Barrier beaches -- Coastal defense. Dune stabilization ; New concept ; Cohesive soils ; Sea level rise --- Applications of headland control. Salient behind single offshore breakwater ; Eroding embayment ; Alternative to groin field ; Beach renourishment ; Beach downcoast of harbor construction ; Man-made islands -- Effects of maritime structures. Scour due to short-crested waves -- Alternatives to normal breakwaters. Barrier beach breakwaters ; Geotextile construction ; Submerged platform breakwaters -- Bypassing mechanisms. Land dredging plants ; Effect of jetties ; Jet pumping ; Wave reflection -- What direction coastal engineering. Costs ; Waves ; Geomorphology of coasts ; Effects of maritime structures ; Bypassing mechanisms ; And other papers.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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