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Techniques for measurement and removal of dioxins and furans / Vaishali V. Shahare, assistant professor, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

By: Shahare, Vaishali V [author.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2017Description: 1 online resource.ISBN: 9781315154350; 9781351640879.Subject(s): Dioxins -- Environmental aspects | Dioxins -- Measurement | Furans -- Environmental aspects | Furans -- Measurement | Hazardous substances -- Risk assessment | Chemicals -- Safety measuresAdditional physical formats: Print version: : No titleDDC classification: 628.52 Online resources: Click here to view.
chapter 1 Introduction -- chapter 2 Sources and Formation of Dioxins and Furans -- chapter 3 Global Contamination and Movement of Dioxins and Furans33 in the Environment Global Transport of Dioxins and Furans -- chapter 4 Health Effects of Dioxins and Furans -- chapter 5 Analytical Methods for Dioxins and Furans -- chapter 6 6Development of Removal Techniques for Dioxins and Furans.
Summary: "The book is a well organised treatise on identification and measurement of dioxins and furan in the environment, by understanding their source, fate, behaviour, analytical techniques for measurement, and removal/control methods. Although there are numerous publications that address this subject, rarely are prevention and control concepts considered together in a single volume. This book provides a tool for today's environmental researchers by focusing on an integrated approach to managing environmental pollution problems due to dioxins and furans. The overall objective of this book is not simply to provide a general reference, but to serve as a resource for developing approaches to managing environmental pollution problems due to dioxins and furans."--Provided by publisher.
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